Pho Vietz Twin Bean Delight

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2 years ago
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Today after lunch, I visit this restaurant Pho Vietz, a Vietnamese restaurant located at the Mid Valley MegaMall to try out Vietnamese dessert.

After looking at the menu, I order their Twin Bean Delight which cost RM5.40 per bowl.

This type of dessert is called Chè, it is a traditional Vietnamese sweet beverage, dessert soup or pudding. Varieties of Chè are made with mung beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, tapioca, jelly (clear or grass), fruit (longan, mango, durian, lychee or jackfruit), and coconut cream. Other types are made with ingredients such as salt, aloe vera, seaweed, lotus seed, sesame seed, sugar palm seeds, taro, cassava and pandan leaf extract. Some varieties, such as chè trôi nước, may also include dumplings. Chè is often prepared with one of a number of varieties of beans, tubers, and/or glutinous rice, cooked in water and sweetened with sugar. In southern Vietnam, chè is often garnished with coconut creme.

This version I order is more similar to Chè ba màu type that contains ice slush, contrast of soft beans and bouncy jelly bites, topped with layers of rich coconut sauce.

Pho Vietz serves it with ice slush, red bean, mung bean, jelly and rich coconut sauce.

$ 0.78
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2 years ago
Topics: Facts, Writing,, History, Hobby, ...
