Isetan Kaisen Maki

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Avatar for hooiyewlim
3 years ago

Today dinner, I have at the Isetan at KLCC Mall. After looking at all the sushi or bento with a discount, I decided to buy the Kaisen Maki.

I pay only RM15.90 instead of RM18.90.

Kaisen Maki means seafood roll. Kaisen means seafood in Japanese, this word is used when a variety of fresh (raw) seafood involved. That is why you will see salmon, fish roe, tuna and egg involve in this California roll.

Here are pictures of my Kaisen Maki

$ 0.56
$ 0.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for hooiyewlim
3 years ago


Bon appetit, it looks delicious, but where I live there is no coast and I don't like to eat seafood that is not fresh!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago