It is what others often say, but it will come with a long explanation with advice that goes differently from your way of thinking. What would you do in this situation?
The best option for me is to listen and try to do a minimum talking back as possible. Listening can give me more information. Perhaps it could help me to make better decisions. There is no harm to listen to another opinion because, in the end, the decision will be our own.
If we are wrong we take the blame and if we are right then we can be relieved.
Everyone deserves to make their own choices but nobody can make perfect choices. There will be room for flaws and regrets. Most importantly, each choice is made personally so that we will not end up blaming others.
The phrase, 'you are free to choose' is not entirely true because most of us are bound to rules and regulations. It does not matter whether it is our principles, other people or those who are superior to us.
The only thing that we have before we make a decision is time. We are given time and we should appreciate it by thinking thoroughly about every decision we make.
The choice we make is not always the best for us or for the people we care about, therefore, it is alright to listen to others opinions.
It is alright to cry but do not forget to stand back on your feet and continue on this journey we call life. It is possibly impossible to not have a stressful moment or one that might lead to depression but, that also depends on our decision about it.
Whether we choose to let our self sank to the bottom or to override it, all depends on our decision.
It is not easy. It will never be easy. Can you imagine all the good things that might happen if we manage to overcome the state of making a decision?
Will it be good things or other?
I am not sure about the things going on in my mind while writing this article, but if you can dig into my thoughts, I would like to read your comments below.
Very well said. We can choose but not all the time depending on our capacity to do so. . decision making relies on a person's status whether you are the superior or the subordinate.