Christians: Faith

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Avatar for heartbeat1515
3 years ago

What is faith to me?

It was so clear to me before that faith is as long as I believe in God and listen to His Word from the Bible. In my childhood, believing in God seems to be as easy as counting one to three. The world looks beautiful and filled with God's love.

As I grow up, responsibilities and the need to have money for survival in this world comes in. Our own relatives steal from us, the one I gave my trust to abandoned my life and friends that once dear to me now have their own tasks in life. I thought that my childhood would continue to be comfortable as it could be a long as I live.

That is in the past, where I have not seen the other part of the world where cruelty and unfairness happens.

In between now and before.

I have been having a conflict inside of me. I have been having queries about God. Does he listen to my prayer? Sometimes I felt that he does and sometimes it felt that he doesn't care about me anymore because of all the sins that I have been doing. They said that He forgives but in the bible, He does give lessons too, maybe He is both.

As for I am now.

I do not go to church often. I have not been going to church for a few years since my marriage is not accepted to be blessed in a church because I am my husband second wife. The first one has already been divorced and got married to another man.

I cannot understand why we cannot be accepted while in the Bible God accepted everyone including prostitute and tax collector. Even the Pope forgives the one who shot him to death. It could be our own mistake too, maybe we did not do the procedure correctly.

One more thing that I cannot understand is why a married man that wants to be a Christian need to force his family to be with him or he is not allowed to be one, maybe there is a reasoning for this and I will probably agree with it. I thought maybe they do not want the family to be separated because of religion but in order to do that, all the family members must be present for the ceremony.

It is not that I do not want to go but there are certain people who made me feel like I am not going to church at all.

My decision.

Only God can see how deep my faith is and nobody can judge me better than Him. No matter what other people say, I am the only one know about my feelings and faith towards God.

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$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for heartbeat1515
3 years ago


Many are of the belief that going to church had secured you a seat in heaven. I say no. You could be a check goer and absolutely not know God

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maybe they are right and maybe they are wrong too. It depends on each individual. I do not want to judge them so much for I do not want to be judge so much either 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol. You are right. Faith is a personal journey

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed. I cannot say that someone has no faith if they do not go to church but are willing to help others even when they themselves have not enough for themselves.

I cannot say that someone who goes to church every week but does not want to lend a helping hand to a relative in need even though they have more in hand has no faith.

What we see is what we can see outside, not inside of them. I can only say that they must have a good reason for it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is solid. I have friends who come to church to socialize and me myself, I'd rather be alone with my God and my faith and my Bible. But going to church for me is to learn more and share my knowledge

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3 years ago

There are people like that. Let them be. Probably they have a reason for that. It is better than seeing them on the street abusing drugs or anything else that is bad.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol. I totally agree

$ 0.00
3 years ago

we should trust our Almighty.... Only Almighty can see how deep our faith...We are always thankful to Almighty

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3 years ago

Sometimes being thankful is not enough. We need to performed also.

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3 years ago

Having a personal relationship with the Lord is better than anything else and once you have that everything else follows.. I myself is a born again christian and my boyfriend is a conservative Baptist Christian. Apparently, we have different teaching but we believe in the same God. Just pray to God. He really listens.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. I will try to do that. Perhaps it can lessen my stress level.

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3 years ago

The one thing that never changes is the power of the resurrection of Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Just have faith no matter what life brings!

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3 years ago

Having faith is not hard. Keeping it is the hard part.

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3 years ago

Really I find it easy. Love Jesus in faith and your faith will grow in leaps and bounds. Also study the Word and the reasons for faith. Start with Hugh Ross, William Lane Craig and Gary Habermas. All Truth emanates from the resurrection of Jesus!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If that someone who have the faith having no difficulties in getting money for survival in this world, having a good family relationships, never fall into a deep troubles or things that will make them feel like their prayer is not heard, it would be easy.

Those who are able to overcome it all and come back are the lost sheep, the son that leave and come back again, stronger in faith.

This is what I have seen throughout my surroundings.

$ 0.00
3 years ago