Human beings have the opportunity to choose what we want to do in life. If we want to do something we put our mind to, we can do it. Nothing is impossible because everything is in our mind, it’s the power of our own mindset.
You may have heard someone say that "words has power" and this is because everything that comes out of our mouths comes out of our heart. Because what comes out of our mouth is what our heart is full of, so the words that come out of our lips whether it is for good or evil has great power and influence behind it.
It has the power to find the way for it to be realized. When we bless people, that blessing will find the way for the other person to continue on a straight path without physical or mental harm.
The question is to believe if it is true that the power of our word is a sentence of sorts. Everything is in the mind, and when someone blesses us we immediately feel joyful and confident that this blessing comes from above.
When, on the contrary, someone sentences us with a big bad word then our mind plays a bad trick on us. We begin to doubt that we are on the right path. We doubt that we can change the course of that bad sentence and that's when everything starts to happen against us… And that's it, we take it for granted that it was the bad sentence that caused it all.
But you know what, you have the power in your mind to reverse the bad desires of others. You have the power to reverse a big bad sentence coming out of your brother's mouth. And do you know how to do it? You simply have to bless him. Yes. That's all.
Don't be fooled into thinking that your words don't have enough power to reverse the damage that comes from another person’s bad intentions.
Take heart, start thinking about the power of your mind. In the power of the words that come out of your mouth. Continue to bless both your friend and your loved ones, your relatives, all those you love but do not forget to bless everyone who has come into your life and has wished you evil.
From now on, bless them. Ask fervently that this person may receive good in his heart and, when the truth of your blessing reaches the heart of the one who did you wrong, you will see that your word has power. Because its then that the person will come to you repentant, knowing that he did you wrong and that he must be freed from the weight of the evil that he carries on his back.
Why should we be optimistic? Because this is the only way to fill our hearts with words of happiness, not of hatred or rancor, we may be upset with someone but that doesn't mean we hate them. We are human beings who respond to evil and we may feel bad when that happens.
But we immediately come to our senses and let our blessings out. So that everything is reversed. So that we feel peace in our hearts and that peace reaches others.
When we are optimistic, things can go wrong for us too, but it does not mean that we will not be blessed with something great. We are human beings and we are in the same plane where everything can happen.
But let me tell you one more thing, you have the power to believe that your word is true and you also have the power to give much more value to the word that the other person tells you. So my dear friend, it will be so. The power of the other person who has wished you ill will take effect because you allowed it, you believed him and gave him your mental power.
We have to give strength to ourselves. Don't give him the power of your mind, on the contrary, give it to yourself. Convince yourself that you can do it.
Be optimistic. Take control of your words. Take control of your blessings.
The power of suggestion is very great. I was remembering a story I read about it, I somewhere in the world a scientist wanted to test a theory of his but he couldn't find a way to test it. He decided to talk to a death row inmate and explained that since he was going to die anyway why not just allow the scientist to test his experiment?
The inmate, after listening to him, told him that it was okay. After all, it was better to die in the way the scientist was proposing than to die in the electric chair, charred.
So the scientist began his theory. He laid the prisoner down on the stretcher and placed him in restraints so that he would not move, the scientist had already explained to him that he would make a small cut on his wrist and from there drops of blood would come out little by little until the prisoner bled to death and would die peacefully without pain.
Then the scientist made a small wound on his wrist that the prisoner felt. But… the wound was so superficial that it only produced a scratch, immediately the scientist, who had placed a tray to collect the blood from the supposedly important wound on the prisoner's wrist, opened the drip of a solution out of sight and allowed the prisoner to hear the drops falling from the supposed wound on his wrist. After a few minutes the scientist slowed the dripping of the solution and the prisoner interpreted this as meaning that he was running out of blood.
The patient began to turn pale as the drip became smaller and smaller, until he almost didn't hear the drops and ended up in cardiac arrest, that’s the point where he died.
I don't know if this is fiction real. What is certain is that the scientist was able to prove his theory with a human being. The power of the mind has more power because of the strength we give it.
It costs you nothing to be optimistic, it costs you nothing to wish for good. It costs you nothing to go through life blessing the good that is in each person so that evil will stop flowing.
When you are sad, discouraged, remember this experiment as a reflection and tell your mind, yes I can. Yes I will get out of this, because I say I can and my word has power.
I'm @gertu13 from Venezuela.
Actually I don't really like big optimism. But your article contains a lot of truth. For me to expect something with high optimism, there are two possibilities that can happen. If these expectations come true, we will definitely feel great pleasure. But on the other hand, if that hope does not happen, then the pain we feel can be very intense, even frustrating and depressing.
Like climbing a tree, the higher we climb, the more painful it will be if we fall. So, look at your expectations properly.