It's a new beginning for my.

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2 years ago

Hello dear reader friends. I am back, my son was able to buy his new laptop and has given me his CPU as a gift. He has connected it and now I write on my desktop computer from my doctor's office., because the gift of his CPU from the beginning was to set up my new medical office.

While I am in the quiet of the evening hours, I’m writing this my first post since my laptop cable has burned out. At some point I will buy a replacement but it’s not in my budget yet.

But let’s get to the point, today I want to tell you about my brother's farm. He has sent me some beautiful pictures of how his animals are doing.

From my property.

Imagine, I never thought he would try to raise chickens again. The last time he did he failed and his chickens got sick but now he is starting that project again but with more experience. His chickens are big and fat, I think that in about two days they should be fat enough to sell. You will have a customer in me as my son and I love chicken.

From my property

In addition to these white chickens, he also has grown his guineos which are these chickens with black and white plumage that make so much noise in the mornings. I like to eat their meat although I haven't eaten it for a long time and I don't remember its taste very well.

As I write, I listen to soft instrumental music that relaxes me, and on the soft-planked roof I can hear the rain falling softly. I wish it would come more frequently so that my plants could be dressed in their beautiful colors, but here in my region the rain has been too late. As in other years it has arrived after May and with fury because it only happens when it accompanies the great storms of the Caribbean Sea. Today I take advantage of this soft sound that delights my ears.

I continue with the story of the animals of my brother's farm. He has sent me the photo of these cute little sheep that were born there, they look healthy, one black and one brown.

From my property.

And look at this old duck that has posed for me, so he could send me his picture of what he looks like now. They laid their eggs and were hatched by the hens which of course are many more on the farm. The hens had duck, guineas and turtle eggs in their nests. I don't know if the latter managed to survive.

I love to visit my brother on his farm but lately I have not been feeling entirely healthy. One after the other, little bad situations have been appearing but I have been facing them and overcoming them. God in his immense mercy wants me still in the world of the living and keeps me safe.

And thanks to the people who love me and stay with me, helping me day by day. As I write it has stopped raining. Too bad I was content for my plants and I don't think it even soaked them. It was just a little drenching and it's over.

My dear reader friends, I will see you soon in your readings and in mine.

Thanks to all of you for your support as well as to all my sponsors who have continued to support me.

$ 7.54
$ 6.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @annayks
$ 0.10 from @Lucifer01
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Avatar for gertu13
2 years ago


Hello sis! What a cutey chicks and I've seen this all in your noise post. I'm glad your back.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Welcome back ma'am have indeed missed your presence here. Your brother is a true business man, he learnt from his mistakes and still continued his business.. I envy his determined heart. A lot of thanks to your wonderful son for the gift he gave to you. I hope you continue overcoming every battle faced in life through Christ that strengthens you. Amen

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I can see that your brother's farm is a success now and I know he will be successful in raising more of his chickens and those black ones because he has now experiences that he can use to maintain them.. We have chickens ducks to ..and it's really a pain if they just die from sickness..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Listening to music while hearing the raindrops from above, best feeling! 💗

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The white hen in the farms are looking so adorable. He definitely should be an animal lover as he seem to have a collection of variety hens.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

muchos hemos pasado por eso, cuando mas necesitamos el computador se daña y toca buscar una mano amiga mientras se consigue resolver, muy lindos los animales de tu hermano me recuerdan a los animales que tenia una tía en caripito.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Aww they are the cutest but they will be gone later to be eaten by people 🤧. But anyways, good thing he's successful now on taking care of them 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Do get well soon, and congratulations to you brother. It s good he didn't give up an has decided to try again. Congratulations on the CPU too

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Animal husbandry enables the empowerment of animals to be bred into a promising business. raising chickens is very easy maybe the weight is the source of food as well as ducks but the hassle-free livestock business is the winged star the eggs are also delicious.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow is that your firm? I like to start like that in future.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow my friend, I fell in love with your brother's farm and the animals inside. I hope you get well soon, and be able to see your brother on his beautiful farm...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Interesting! Those chickens are looking healthy and I like your brother started again after gaining much experience in the line. I believe you will now start eating more chickens and turtles😁

Congratulations too on the CPU you were gifted with. Enjoy your time ma.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good to see you back here 😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Welcome once again to, how sad that you have had problems with your laptop, but what good news that your son has been able to buy his laptop and has given you a computer so that you can continue working both in and in your new office, I hope you continue to have much more success.

I loved your brother's farm, I really like animals, but I think my dad will like the farm better haha.

I really like the rabbits, that little black bunny is cute.

By the way the picture of the little sheep doesn't show up.

The duck that is posing may become very famous as a model, it looks really cute.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks, I knew I was missing something.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really nice!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's been a while madam. Your brother has a nice poultry farm with the most interesting birds. This is something I'd kill for lol. 😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My family does not risk to have chickens - I know how they cret😁 but I think the turkeys will appear in the near future. Broilers need special care and special feed. Yes, it's a good business. I liked 🐰 the rabbit! Cute))))

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Good to see you here again btw your brother's chickens looks healthy and matured for sale now,I would have patronized him but we are far from each other....stay healthy ❤️.

$ 0.01
2 years ago