Does fear help you or paralyze you?

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1 year ago

Have you ever felt fear? Fear is a defense mechanism of our body to prepare us for danger. Sometimes it can be real but sometimes it can be imaginary. Fears must be faced; it is not advisable to hide from them because sooner or later you will have to face them.

Feeling fear is not bad because physiologically it prepares our organism to defend ourselves against an aggressor element. When we feel fear the sympathetic system is triggered and begins to produce a series of substances such as adrenaline that allows us to control the body to be alert and feel nothing but strength to fight against the aggressor.

Adrenaline helps us not to feel the fear that paralyzes but responds in animal form, it helps us not to feel other different things, it is as if it separates us from pain, space or time, and only gives us to resist the fear that we have at that point.

From unsplash

When there is fear, we are stronger, we dare to fight against threats that duplicate our physical strength but at that moment the adrenergic discharge helps us to believe that we can overcome the imminent danger.

We cut ourselves, we fall and it does not hurt, we continue to fight against the aggressor agent and fear through adrenaline separates us from anything other than thinking that we can overcome it.

There is also the pathological fear, the one that the person feels that he/she cannot. That someone must come and help, otherwise he/she will not be able to live. The fear that we feel when we see an animal that attacks us, that animal that is small and terrifying, a spider, a cockroach, a butterfly. Those insects make us think that they will attack us and we are already defeated, we feel that the adrenaline paralyzes us and we only emit a cry for help, of fright.

What happens if no one can come to our aid? Do we let ourselves be dragged by the aggressors; do we continue to scream? What happens to us?

If we allow our mind to tell us that we cannot fight against what is attacking us, we will simply not succeed, but if we fight the feeling of fear, then we will defeat our imaginary enemies.

Our organism is prepared to overcome obstacles. If we allow fears to minimize us, it is not that they are really great aggressors, it’s our mind that conceives them that way and we end up defeated. Our organism is prepared with tools to fight hand to hand with enemies that surpass us in size, in speed, even in intelligence, if we put our mind and our strength to fight, we will succeed, but if on the contrary we consider ourselves defeated, then we will be defeated.

Feeling fear is a defense weapon of the organism that can act to help and can also be our enemy, depending on the way we face it. Fear can paralyze us; it can alter our excretory system both urinary and intestinal and it can also depress the respiratory system. Everything will depend on us and our mind to face stressful situations and aggressive agents.

It’s not bad to be afraid, it’s bad not to face it. It is bad to let ourselves be carried away by fears unfounded by small insects that are more afraid of us. It is necessary to fight against these fears of insects, reptiles or even people.

To prepare our mind is to prepare our body before the different situations of fear that day by day are presented to us.

Going to a psychologist when we cannot control unfounded fears is necessary. They give us tools such as exercises that will free us from such pathological fears that are unbearable in our life. This is my best advice for people who do not overcome small fears and magnify them to such an extent that they do not overcome them by themselves.

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I am @gertu13 from Venezuela to the world

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1 year ago


After all, fear will always be present. It just depends on us on how we would handle them. Whether we would allow it to limit us or use it as a weapon for us to be bold.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Fear itself is an instrument or weapon of the organism for you to grow in it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I was young, Fear made me to just stay in one corner of my life but now fear makes me stronger because it's just a proof that I'm still a human and it doesn't mean that when you fear a thing you're a coward..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Being afraid is not bad and does not make you stronger or weaker. You are a human being and we all have fears. It is how you face your fears that makes you grow yourself.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When we begin to have some imaginary and fictitious thoughts in our minds, fear comes in. When it comes we mustn't let it overpower us, so that we won't become a slave to fear, just like some people who tremble at the presence of ordinary lizard.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

The mind is our ally but we also use it to harm ourselves.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Psychologist is the best person who can help us to overcome the unnecessary aggression that may have false impact on our life

$ 0.01
1 year ago

We must trust them to teach us how to use our own weapons to fight our fears.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Basically fear stays in our mind and consumes what we afraid of. I think fear allows us to be aware of what we don't want to happen.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Fear is not a bad thing, it is terror that harms.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's all in the mind and the moment we allow it into our subconscious, we started feeling it and then manifest the reality. Fear should be a motivation where we fight against what we fear but most of the time we allow the reality of things we see to cripple us with the fear.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

What happens is that we allow our mind to imagine much beyond the obvious and our thinking betrays us, causing us not to use our own weapons in our favor. That is why fear dominates us. Can you believe that there are people who are paralyzed seeing a butterfly? they fear him. A frog or toad takes away their reasoning and they run and scream until they hurt themselves on the way of escape. This is irrational.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I absolutely agree with you and you nailed it spot on. It's irrational. It is funny to see people get scared of butterflies or road. They have allowed so much in and the more they allow in, the easier it is for them to drown.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That's how it is my dear friend, that's how it is. The never-ending story.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Absolutely 🤗. Thank you, my wonderful friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have a fear of losing my favorite peoples in my life but once I lost one of them and learn how to leave without them I am now out of feat I think once we face the fear we had it will no longer a fear for us

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Every time you learn to master one of your fears it is a victory and it is one more lesson to be victorious in the next events.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sister no doubt fear started Sympathetic system but it switches,"Flight mechanism due to stress" in me. Adrenaline has more drastic effect on our body than good ones. Anyway I love to make research on it for my improvement as well.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

The sympathetic controls the ability for you to prepare yourself to avoid being attacked without defense but it depends on how you personally activate your sympathetic system. If you let it control you, you will not be able to get out of fear control and you will fall into terror. Much stronger for your mind to control. That is why psychologists are there to help you with your own techniques to not let yourself be defeated.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have felt fear before, deep fear, it was what pushed me to watching series of horror fear and 18+rated movies just to get over the fear of ghost and walking in the dark, there are a lot of thing to be scared of, the fear of the unknown, it can way us down.. But if we are pushed to a corner, we can over come.. When we learn to control our fear and body, we won't be needing to be cornered before we overcome our obstacles

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, we can do anything we want because our body is so perfectly co-functioned so that all the systems come together as one when we are afraid. Uncontrolled fear becomes terror. All fears can be controlled and overcome if we use our tools to control our mind.

$ 0.00
1 year ago