Character and temperament
Every day we learn new things, for me it is a pleasure to read certain articles that lead me to reflect on what I have thought about a point so far. Today I want to share with those who are willing to read my publication, it is something about character and temperament.
According to what I have heard, they are two different things that I have been handling all my life as badly as many others have done. It is then that I went to find out about the terms and I realize that it is true, I used these terms inappropriately. Let me explain why.
It so happens that I often say that I am a person of strong character, I have been wrong to classify myself as such because I am not.
Knowing now that character is the personality that dominates us, I feel the need to tell you that a strong character is the one that dominates the situation in which we find ourselves. It is not the one who shouts the loudest, the one who imposes himself to something, the one who gets annoyed and upset the fastest without rationing, no, it is not like that.
To have a strong character is to dominate the temperament. This is not easy when we are people who get upset very quickly with everything. And then we raise our voice and impose ourselves. To have a strong character is to dominate our temperament and to learn to be calm in the face of adversity. To know that we should not respond to everything by imposing our opinion. That sometimes it is better to avoid responding with shouts and haughty voices so that others will minimize and accept our ideas.
A person of strong character learns to be calm and if someone offends us, shouts at us and wants to impose on us just proceed to not respond and back down. We can give a smile, a nod of the head or a simple hand signal that we are calm. This is to have a strong character. Mastering the aggressive temperament and staying at peace with ourselves.
I have always started from the idea that offensive words only attack us if we allow them to. When we respond to a rudeness with another rudeness neither of us wins, both are rude, but if you respond with a smile and the other feels more angry because he does not master his character because he is weak, then he responds with a strong and aggressive temper.
Controlling our strong temperament by being more and more docile to aggressions is a way to control the weak character that does not let itself be bent.
When we control the aggressive, strong, imposing temperament, we will be one step away from breaking a weak character in order to become more and more of a strong character.
I hope that with my words I have been able to reach the minds of people who are always on the offensive and trying to dominate others with our strong temperament because we simply have not learned to control our strong temperament and we can become people of a strong and calm character.
What do you think about your character and temperament?
The image is from unsplash.
Había visto un vídeo sobre esto hace mucho tiempo, si no me equivoco era un joven japonés que hablaba sobre como nosotros nos referimos a las personas de carácter fuerte y como ellos se refieren a estas mismas personas. Cuando ellos hablan de una persona de carácter fuerte es eso, una persona tranquila que a pesar de que lo insulten o molesten puede controlar la situación sin tener que alterarse, a diferencia de nosotros que nos referimos que una persona es de carácter fuerte cuando se enoja o molesta por x cosa. Yo he estado trabajando mucho mi carácter, debido a que no es totalmente fuerte, pero he podido controlarme en situaciones que me molestan mucho. Pero si hablamos de mi temperamento, pues si es un poco fuerte cuando esos casos de molestia suprema existen, lo bueno es que últimamente me he desvinculado de las personas que me hacían daño y estas explosiones de molestia se han desvanecido. Espero que todo siga así y que la calma siga en mi