I've created a flipstarter for some CashTokens tools.

TokenStork 1.0

What: A market-cap, token data and tokenization platform for BCH CashTokens that makes it easy to find, track, research, create and manage BCH CashTokens, all in one place.

Why: Enable new BCH investors to see complete, professionally-presented token data at a glance. Enable new BCH builders to seamlessly create and manage tokens.

Drop 0.1.0

What: A flexible airdrop tool for BCH CashTokens that makes it trivial to airdrop tokens in any number of creative ways with a user-friendly interface, thus adding new users to the ecosystem.

Why: Enable token creators to airdrop tokens easily and thereby increase CashTokens adoption.

Survive the Bull Run 0.1.0

What: An addictive clicker game / token-distribution game for BCH CashTokens that entertains while educating users on the nuances of crypto investments, encouraging responsible accumulation of CashTokens and fostering a deeper connection with the BCH ecosystem.

Why: Enable anyone, including the least sophisticated BCH users, to accumulate CashTokens in a fun, addictive way.

Feedback welcome!


ht @Tech857 and Software Verde for the easy docker setup. 🙏

$ 5.00
User's avatar
@georgedonnelly posted 2 months ago


Good luck with your project! Maybe some day let's do an interview about it

$ 0.00
2 months ago