BCH Aid is Coming Soon from BCH Latam

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Avatar for georgedonnelly
4 years ago

BCH Latam is pleased to announce the coming soft launch of BCH Aid. BCH Aid is a project that aims to foster Bitcoin Cash adoption by non-profits, community organizations and other organizations and individuals with demonstrable results towards helping people anywhere in the world in the following areas.

  • Education

  • Nutrition

  • Health

  • Recreation

Our first BCH Aid project will be a Venezuelan foundation that dispatches clowns to comfort hospitalized children.

BCH Advantages

Using BCH makes sense for cross-border charitable giving because BCH crosses borders as if they didn't exist. There are no extra fees beyond on- and 0ff-ramp fees, which we will seek to reduce as demand and volume increases.

BCH Aid giving is also direct giving. So there are no intermediary fees. Donors give directly to the non-profit, bypassing credit card fees, bank fees, remittance fees and other overhead.

Latin America First

We are starting our efforts in Latin America, specifically Venezuela, where we already have videos shot for about 15 NGOs and where the need is very great. We have the outstanding Jose Araujo to lead our efforts there as well.

That said, we would like to expand to other regions as time and resources permit.

New Liquidity

One of our main goals for BCH Latam — and this goal is shared with just about all other adoption projects — is to develop excellent peer-to-peer local liquidity across the globe.

But convincing people to become liquidity agents or send BCH remittances into insufficient liquidity is extremely challenging. We need a kickstart.

By connecting high-quality non-profit fundraising drives from the developing world with developed-world donors, we can kickstart a small inflow of Bitcoin Cash essentially for free, solving the chicken-and-egg problem, and getting liquidity agents their first trades —and first profits.

New BCH Buyers

There is also the possibility to onboard new Bitcoin Cash users whose primary interest is in direct giving to non-profits in the developing world that they are otherwise unable to connect with.

The joy of directly giving, of getting updates via social media, and maybe even personalized thank you messages is an attractive reason to participate in BCH Aid for mainstream users.

Eventually a Marketplace

Over time, and as resources permit, we aim to turn BCH Aid into a global direct giving marketplace, where any non-profit can submit proposals and be considered for funding; and where we can direct a steady stream of donors who will have to buy Bitcoin Cash in order to participate in this innovative new direct giving system.

Next Steps

We're bringing our first campaign forward in the next few days. We have others ready after that.

Support BCH Latam

To support our efforts, buy our PAN tokens on memo.cash (details) (buy only from this Panmoni - Bitcoin Cash Latam account) or make a donation.

Are you a software developer interested in leading the development of the eventual marketplace described above? Email george@bchlatam.com.

  • BCH: bitcoincash:qqa5fels0wz5ugwa23eenqff5ahxxzfvsue4kr574s

  • BCH: BCHLatam#62500

  • BTC: 16QPQzXAqFcSxhxgqUa8vsfaxJKCQ4aJBC

$ 0.85
$ 0.43 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @nyusternie
$ 0.11 from @Omar
+ 2
Sponsors of georgedonnelly
Avatar for georgedonnelly
4 years ago


good job

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sir give any new post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's good to know that BCH have been slowly being known by people who don't have any idea about crypto. Another thing is, it will be used and introduced to different sectors like education. Hoping that this is the start of BCH growing in Venezuela.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hoping this really helps in the development of BCH to make it known to a whole lot of people

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I applaud BCH Latam for this great development towards charity and mass adoption of BCH worldwide. You people are highly commended for this great development.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes sir good job keep it up... God bless u

$ 0.00
4 years ago

All of this sounds wonderful!

By connecting high-quality non-profit fundraising drives from the developing world with developed-world donors, we can kickstart a small inflow of Bitcoin Cash essentially for free, solving the chicken-and-egg problem, and getting liquidity agents their first trades —and first profits.

could you expand on how this would work? would "developed-world" donors buy crypto from liquidity agents? or donate fiat, which would then be converted into some "pool" for the agents?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We will eventually as time and resources permit connect donors with liquidity options near them, and create more liquidity options near the recipients.

We will probably onboard the new agents to local.bitcoin.com or a similar platform and then the NGOs will choose whom to cash out with. This could create maximum competition and maximum liquidity.

Does that make sense? Ideas welcome.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Does that make sense?

yes it does, thanks!

I haven't used local.bitcoin.com personally, but I'm looking forward getting started with it soon .. I can only hope it works as well as Roger makes it seem (so pretty high expectations lol)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I used it the other day successfully. It is the same as localcryptos.com and it works acceptably if not perfectly. A lot depends on having sufficient liquidity.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

This is awesome! You are always looking for ways to spread mass adoption of BCH, which is great. You continue to bring good people together to keep BCH moving forward. Good work!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago