Every article is a masterpiece

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2 years ago

This is a fact that I believe in with all my heart, and I hope you do too. Each piece of content you create is an opportunity to create something amazing.

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You may be thinking, "But what if I write an article that everyone hates?" Well, guess what? You're still creating something amazing. Your readership will love it, and you can use the feedback to improve your next piece of content or make it even better than the last one!

You might think that reading an article is just like watching a movie or playing a game: you sit down and get absorbed in the story for a little bit, then it ends, and then you forget about it. But that's not true at all! When we read articles, we're doing more than just passively absorbing information; we're actively engaging with the writer's ideas and thinking about them in our own way.

It's like taking a trip down memory lane while also learning something new at the same time: every time you read an article, it's like traveling back into one of your past experiences while also discovering something totally new about yourself. It feels like magic.

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When you read an article, you are transported to a world that is completely different from yours. You can feel the emotions of the characters who populate the story and experience what it feels like to be them—the joys, sorrows, anxieties, and triumphs that they face. And in the end, when you finish reading the story, you will have learned something new about yourself as well: not only did you learn about these people and their lives in general; you also learned something about yourself in relation to them.

You see, every piece of writing is imbued with intent and meaning—not just by the writer but by the reader as well. Every word has been chosen with care, and every line has been crafted with precision and thoughtfulness.

Yet even though we all know this intuitively, we rarely stop to think about how our reading habits are affected by this kind of sophisticated thinking. We just pick up the book or magazine or newspaper or whatever and start skimming through. But that's not how it's supposed to be!

You should take time each day to read for enjoyment—to savor each sentence and each paragraph, so that when you do put down what you're reading (and hopefully enjoy it!), those words will linger in your mind long after they've left your fingertips.

You know how you feel when you're working on something and you just know in your gut that it's the best thing ever? You can't wait to see what your friends think of it, and you're kind of excited for them to read it because they'll like it so much? That's what we feel whenever we think about writing an article (or even just thinking about writing an article).

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In Conclusion

Every article is a masterpiece.

That's right: no matter how many times you read an article, there will always be something new to learn from it. The truth is that there's no limit on how good your writing can be when you put your mind toward it and focus on quality over quantity.

Even if you don't get the full meaning of what's being said or how it applies to your life, even if it doesn't make sense at first glance—even if you're not sure what to do with it—there will be something new for your brain to process. And that's awesome!

I've always been fascinated by how we can learn new things, and how people can use writing as a way to share their experiences with others. I've always been interested in reading and learning more about different topics, but I never thought much about writing until recently.

I started to think about all kinds of different things that could be written about, but they all seemed so… boring! So I decided to start writing my own articles instead of just reading them online—and now I know why: because every article is just as amazing as any other!

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2 years ago


I agree with you that if you focus on quality rather than quantity the result will be better. But honestly, not every article is a masterpiece - sometimes it's bullshit😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much! I guess we all have different meanings of a masterpiece.

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2 years ago