Mental health day

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Avatar for fantagira
1 year ago

Tuesday, 8th of November 2022

This article was first posted by me HERE.

Holidays are great. We get to take a break from daily routine and get to experience something different. Whatever it might be.

I rarely go for organised holidays. Salsa trips are probably the most organised short breaks I take. Otherwise I just get in a car, book a ferry and drive 1000 miles to Poland. Sometimes I take a plane too, but taking my car has this advantage that my long journey is pretty much paid for by all the savings I make on servicing my car abroad and the other things I buy at heavily reduced price while there.

The only downside is going back home after spending an amazing time with my family. This time I broke the trip into a few parts. Although I was sad leaving my parents behind on Thursday night, I had next stop to look forward to… seeing my auntie and nan one more time. Leaving these 2 behind was also sad, but I had another stop to look forward too… seeing my close friend in Belgium.

On Sunday however the day has come to say goodbye to the last part of my holiday and that was the hardest. There was no more fun stops to look forward to. There was just a 2h journey on the ferry and around 3h of drive back home. Home when there is nobody to greet me. Then waking up to work again at 6:20am the following day. That’s the least favourite part, despite the fact that I actually like my job.

A random picture of 3 pigs ;)

I got back home on Sunday night at 10pm and unpacked some suitcases. I ate and by the time I went to sleep it was around 1am. Despite the fact that I didn't look forward to going back to work, I dragged myself out of bed at 6:30 and drove there.

It was nice to see my boss and some colleagues. Unfortunately it was his last hour in my office and he spent it packing his stuff and moving to the office upstairs. The rest of the day I spent in a company of another colleague, who I really didn't want to see in my office. Throughout my holiday I was hoping that once he is taken away from quality team he will no longer be assigned a desk where I work, but this hasn't happened.

It's not that I hate him or anything like this. He is a nice guy. He loves to do everything at a super speed though and becuase of this he makes many mistakes, which we then have to correct. Until my holiday there was me, my boss and another inspector working together in this office. We made a great team. Between the 3 of us, we could solve any issue. I really can't see why this had to change.

Now my boss is working upstairs, currently on his own. The other inspector is setting up machines, because we are short of stuff and I am there on my won, trying not to fall asleep, while the other guy thinks he found himself a new secretary.

Leaving work at 4:20pm it was raining and already getting dark outside. It was also dark outside when I got up and drove to work. Of course! The clocks changed while I was on holiday. I barely noticed it while I was in Poland, because I didn't have to get up to work and the weather was nice. I could enjoy a good chunk of a daylight before it got dark outside. None of this for me for 4 days of the work day.

That's when I decided... I am not coming back to work the following day. I was #homesick, tired, sleepy and grumpy. Lack of daylight only made it worse. I can not work like this. I will only make mistakes and get myself in trouble. My #mentalhealth is too important for me to just try and push through this for the next 3 days until the weekend. I needed to rest and rebalance myself.

At just gone 6am, when my alarms went off, I picked up my phone and send a text to my boss that I am not feeling well and will not come to work today. Then I carried on sleeping until 8am. When I woke up, I saw his reply:

'Don't abandon me with these idiots lol'

This made me smile. I replied that I will be back when I feel better. And I will. Most likely tomorrow. Today is a day for me and my mental health. I started it with a big cup of coffee and scrolling through my social media and replying to comments. I tried writing, but it didn't flow. I still had a lot of unpacking and tyding up to do, but I'll do it little by little. I moved some more stuff from my car inside the house and found places to store them. My plants also looked like they missed me badly. Especially orchids were crying for water, so I brought them to kitchen and soaked while tyiding up the kitchen. Next I made myself breakfast/lunch and read some articles.

I got my first payouts from articles and I decided to convert my HBD to Hive and hive.swap and I got myself my first land and a few seeds to plant in dCrop. I explored the game a little more and realised that completing seasonal quests is out of my reach at this time, because I need a lot of seeds and some selling quests are not from this season, so it will be a while before I can participate more in the game. Oh well, that's another new journey started. I will just plant the seeds I have and slowly buy more seeds and lands and grow my inventory.

Breakfast made me a bit sleepy, so I cuddled my blanket and drifted off to sleep. You could barely call it a nap. I slept for 3 hours, until my phone woke my up. My ex lodger came over to collect deposit. It was a good timing, as I still had a few hours of daylight to do stuff around the house.

I collected dirty clothes and set up the washing machine. I tidied up my living room, so I could walk in and out without tripping. I finished up my moving my plants to their usual places and washed all the dishes laying around.

Finally everything had its place and I felt much, much better. I prepared myself a cup of decaf coffee and sat down to writing. This time it flows... It might not be a mastepiece, but I just had to get it all off my chest. Right after I finish writing I am planning to take a nice, long bath in epson salts. This will complete my mental health day and hopefully also make me sleepy enough to head to bed at a reasonable hour. I will grab a second part of Japanese comic to read in bed instead of watching anything and hopefully I will wake up with a new energy to work tomorrow morning.

Until next time πŸ’™

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Avatar for fantagira
1 year ago


That game sounds interesting sis. I want to try soon, but Idk I'm a stranger at hive!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Find me there sis, I have the same nickname. It's easier to do new things together ;) I'll write some dCrops articles once I know more. I'm also trying other games.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What a complete description of your last days on holidays, the change of scenario, the work atmosphere again, how days are getting dark really soon... and that's depressing, we need light! And I think you did it great by having an off day, to you, just to do nothing or small things like buying lands in Dcrop, I know about it but no patient to these seeds growing! jajaja

$ 0.01
1 year ago

After holidays we need another holiday to get back into work mentality ;) Mine wasn't easy, as I came back to a new environment and that got me shaky. Today there was more unpleasant surprises at work and I have a draft describing how my life is now better because I actually enjoy my work which is not longer true and I don't feel like posting that draft anymore :/

dCrop is a perfect game for me, as I always loved playing farming games. I wish there was more to do, but the beginnings are always tricky. I found myself another farming game, this time I'm growing weed buds πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Jaja weed buds, cool, well I think farming games are more interesting than others like killing people... but still I get impatient!!! Maybe in some holidays with time, but as you say on holidays we get more tired even. I think I can understand that feeling about your work, it seems to be happy in work places, it should be the normal situation but unfortunately only some privileged people have that good feeling...

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Luckily the situation at work has rebalanced itself. I found the culprit and will keep my eye on him ;)

The games on Hive are entertaining, but they don't require all that much time. The longest is the research phase. I like to read a lot of tutorials before starting. Later on I just plant the seeds and wait a few days before I can even harvest anything. In truth, before I joined any platforms of this sort I was playing games for free and also buying them and spending money with nothing in return but a satisfaction. Now I can do it and earn from doing it, so it was no brainer for me 😁

$ 0.01
1 year ago

We often wish our holidays won't be over but they do ;) Glad you listened to your body and took the day off to recharge. Definitely need such days :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

We do sis, we do. I think I need many more of these days 🀣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha your boss look at you as important as gold. Maybe you are really excellent in doing your work there, compared to the idiots he reffered to 🀣

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ehh, I'm not sure anymore. New manager scrapped all the work I've done in the last 2-3 months and I feel like I wanna leave and never come back. What a waste of time it was!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Living life without mental peace ain't living at all. The outcomes and after effects of it bring bad results only.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ohooo, take your time on resting. You deserve that I mean. I hope you will have a long rest.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Only had one day and I'm regretting coming back here today πŸ™ˆ

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha, hang in there πŸ’ͺ

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Much needed day off you drove a lot during your holiday time. Get back late Sunday and up early the next day for work. You needed a full day to recoup.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I had a full day yesterday, but apart from feeling rested it didn't help much. I might need to look for another job soon, cause I don't like this one anymore 🀣

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm absolutely exhausted myself. It's a short week for me to but it's just dragging. I'll be happy to put this week behind me.

I hope you it gets better for you. Take care

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am so proud of you for taking that mental health day off. Some people actually just choose to struggle. It is a good thing to prioritise thyself.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Haha, that's something I had to learn by doing it wrong first. Now I know when it's time for a break and I take it despite the consequences ;) Still, today was a total meltdown at work. Think I'll be looking for a new one soon.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh no. Are you so unhappy with work at the moment?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Many people are now suffering from mental health, sometimes i feel the same way because of so many things to do. I want to take a vacation but I cant.pag subra na sa pagod pray nalang ako na kailangan kayanin dahil mahalag family ko

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I also shouldn't, but from the past experience I know that if I don't take a break when it's time for it, I will pay for it later. As for the second part of your comment, I can only understand 'family' ;)

$ 0.00
1 year ago