Why did the death of the African American cause such a riot, and what are the reasons behind it? 

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On May 25, 2020, The black man who was "kneeled to death" by the policeman, named George Floyd, was 43 years old. He was the security guard of a restaurant. The restaurant owner described him as "polite and gentle. Treat others with courtesy," his family called him a "gentle giant." At the time of the incident, he was only suspected by a grocery store employee to “try to use a fake $20 bill”.

The United States itself is an immigrant country, and everyone comes from all corners of the world. There are African Americans, Latin Americans etc. Although the United States claims to be a society ruled by law, in real life, it wears colored glasses to treat blacks.

According to the "American Race 2019" report released by the Pew Research Center in the United States; nearly six adults believe that "the racial relations in the United States are very bad"; about two-thirds of the interviewees said black people were discriminated against when dealing with law enforcement and judicial authorities ; More than half of African-American respondents believe that "the United States cannot achieve racial equality."

In February 2020, when a black guy in Georgia, USA, went out for a run, he was shot and killed by a white father and son as "escape thieves", and local prosecutors considered them to be "self-defense".

In Minneapolis, there have also been many violent incidents of robbery, smashing shops, and burning buildings. The report said that one person was shot dead during the violence. According to the investigation results given by the police, the protester was shot by a shop owner during the protest and died directly. The police also revealed that the protests in other areas were relatively peaceful.

The protests in New York City are dangerous. Everyone knows that New York is the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States. At present, the protesters disregard the blockade ban, gather together and clashed with the police.

Since Trump took office, it has not been a day or two since he has spoken out. As a white man, and then as a tycoon with more than 100 million assets, he even advocates white priority. This has to some extent encouraged the arrogance of white people. It was not caused by this black man being "kneeled down" by the white policeman. This was just a fuse, which ignited the fireworks, which caused such a great anger. In fact, people have endured for a long time, and this racial discrimination It’s not two days a day, plus the epidemic situation during this period, people of different races are treated differently, and people’s living habits are also not saving money, so that people have no income and cannot live normally during the epidemic. Obviously The U.S. government represented by Trump did not pay attention to the practical difficulties of the people, and the emotions that people had accumulated for a long time erupted.

I hope this riot will end as soon as possible.Everyone in the United States, please pay attention to the safety of life and property and protect yourself and your family!

$ 1.21
$ 1.00 from @DrNums
$ 0.20 from @SofiaCBCH
$ 0.01 from @ekrem


I'm not gonna lie I was watching that video and I told myself that if I was there I would've run up and push that cop off the man. I don't care if I would've been arrested I cannot stand and watch a human being be killed in front of me I don't care if you're a cop or anybody else I will not stand for it

$ 0.25
4 years ago

yes. many of us thought so. And the fact, that we can all be sure it would have gotten us literally killed makes it all the more infuriating, as it is clear how helpless humans are, if there is a monster with a monopoly on force and a license to kill you for the littlest of reasons. Getting anywhere near that cop would either have him mace you or pull a gun on you. And even if you'd be fast enough, all the other cops around you would jump in. No way one of them would not have shot you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I suspect you know what would’ve happened next. Knee to your neck. Fade to black. You know this, and it feels fucking helpless, which is absolutely infuriating. I doubt America will change for the better anytime soon and without a serious fight. It will take nothing short of a revolution.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I show this new on cnn today. But i want aware of such kind of serouosness at first i thought to be some common crime

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sickened to my stomach. Rage in my heart and hands. Pain in my body and tears in my eyes for George and every black person who has been killed, murdered by those in power. I pray for the families and their grief, I pray for an end to racism but right now I pray most of all for justice. May those fkn officers active and passive never step foot outside of a jail cell every again.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I wonder how Trump will appeal in Presidential election to the voters...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Compared to Joe Biden?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is very sad news, how can a human being do such a thing to his fellow. Enough of this

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This stupid thing should not be happened. Racism is in everywhere. We need to think first as a Human being.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Those police officer should be hang to death as it is cold blood murder in a daylight. God bless his soul.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

White supremacy must finally laid to rest. Someone needs to call Trump to order, if the government cannot do anything to stop the inhuman treatment been mented on the blacks in America there is going to be a war this time around.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Do you know what's even worse than George Floyd's death? It's the fact that this is not the first time. A worse fact? this won't be the last time either. Why the policeman didn't move his knee away of his neck when it was obvious that he can't breath if the police didn't mean to kill george? Keep in mind that he was unarmed and handcuffed so no need to use all that excessive force dealing with him in the first place. So many questions needs some answers here...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is really educative, this racism is just increasing by the day, no matter how hard people preach

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sadden by this article. Are the blacks safe in this world at all. When will rascism against black stop. It time for us black people to fight for our right

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think justice should be made no matter what

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Racesom is a bad thing. I never suport this. Regerding me it is the wrost thing. I hope everthing good day by day. Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing informative news.i never support this also.i hope everything good day by day.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is really unfair... I had to shed tears when I watched the video of a fellow black die for the color of his skin. Cold chill still ran through me while reading this article... I pray this all ends soon... What did we do wrong by being blacks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's a tragedy that should be cub and stop with immediate effect. So damn annoying.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

great keep doing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

"Racism is a social vice in the US, and had been existing long time ago". It is being fuelled these days by the signals and actions of the racist president. You can just imagine what Donald Trump is doing to the African Development Bank(AfDB) president, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Living in the United States as a black man is now like standing in the mist of deadly snakes that strikes at the site of any slight movement. They claim to be a freedom country but they seriously aint.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What are these riots supposed to achieve? What exactly does everyone want? So we put those officers in jail for murder, then what? What is "change"? Everyone protesting will probably give a different answer, its too disorganized to have justice or change.Stop killing people in general.

$ 0.00
4 years ago