You're Never in Control in Life
I have read a lot of motivational content, yet I come to the point in my life where I feel that in our life we are never in control. We are just playing the pre written script.
It feels all motivational when we are reading some stories or listening to speech. But in real life we are given very specific set tasks to be done.
In short we feel like we are in control but we only do those tasks and part ways from this grand scheme called life.
But why I feel like that? Why we are not in control of life? What are some things that can change?
You don't get what you chase
Some of the times we chase a lot of things and we don't get those things. Instead we get things which are going to be exactly opposite of that. And that makes you think a lot about the chase that happens in the life.
Like you want to be rich, you can't do that unless you change your income, investment patterns and also take more risks. So you don't get what you chase doing same things.
Lessons: Change patterns, change and adapt.
You get what you least expect
I never expected that I'd remain unmarried forever. But here I am in 30s. I got a lot of backstabbing in the life. And result? I am unmarried. I also had a lot of family troubles and people of blood stabbing my back.
You get what you put in the world but some of the time you don't do things and yet you get something unexpected. That's what you get when you are not aware of the things that are going on around you.
Lessons: Results are not in your control, actions are.
Life is summation of actions of All people alive & dead
Someone driving wrong way and someone crashing the car is going to affect us all in the universe. Because it would affect delivery of items, may kill important person, may make some people bankrupt etc.
Each of the worlds actions are going to affect each other and that means we are going to be paying price for each others actions. And that collective actions are going to affect us all.
Lessons: Our actions are never in isolation. It counts in universe.
What do yout think?
I know this article kind of makes you look back and think about your action and life in general. But I thought about some of the changes that we have to do in life in order to move on but that's not always possible.
What's your opinion on this part?
So true we may be in the driver seat but can't control everything and the results may not be as expected.
We can control the little things in life. Like making the right choices that can affect our lives. The big things in life we have less control of. I'd say we shouldn't give up on all of them but if we're not seeing the results we expect we do need to alter them.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.