- New Influence, New Journey
I earned around 3756 followers on noisecash and 105 followers on I realized that it turns out my influence and the impact on the people is pretty slow and also it takes forever to have a followers.
So I decided to join the as soon as possible.
Thanks to @Eybyoung for the invite.
I managed to get into the new
So what plans do I have on new
I am going to be mostly writing similar content that I do on the I am going to put on group for Metaverse and Gaming. Like I have here.
I managed to get around 425 followers on the Meta group. It's sad to see that I have to start from scratch on this new for this. I can't wait to start.
Building Influence
If you are following me for some time you may notice that compared to others, it takes a lot of time for me to do things. Be it building influence or doing things that would help me get my content across.
A lot of what I have done, earned and will happen to my life is pure god's grace. Most of my hard work has known to go in flow of water as I had no influence.
Only due to god and the people who trusted me and my content helped me have some following. So I hope that continues here on the new app too.
Continue to be Helpful in Community
I am only good as much as I help other people. That's my nature. I get a lot of social damage in life yet I choose to continue to help people.
My karma seems to be giving me hints that I won't be rich and won't be happy if I become selfish so all that I have left in life is being helpful towards the society and live the life.
I take that hint and now I am all set to help the world. I hope that my content and the various advice that I give would help other people around.
Waiting for New Features
I need the edit button badly because I make a lot of mistakes. I type fast and then realize my mistake. And for that reason I think it's reasonable to wait for this.
I also hope to see groups or the channel feature here too. It would help me have specific discussions on this topic.
I think option to embed the content outside into other blogs would be a good feature too. We should also get the ability to add the youtube and others here. Which would work for content sharing easier.
Do you want Invite?
I am giving away 5 invite today. So make sure to join in if you are interested. Below link would give you that option. Just click the link, join in and give me a shoutout :)
Let's start the journey to this new place. Let's hope life improves by the time we move to 2023 year with some positive vibes and BCH growth.
What's your opinion on this new platform?
It's a new beginning to us all :) Done following you there :D