Alcohol alters your thoughts and senses. It makes you sensitive at the same time insensitive. It can make you look intelligent at the same time you look like a dumb person.
At the age of 18, I already started drinking. I am even boasting that I have already drunk every alcohol there is. I drank beer, wine, tequila, gin, vodka, brandy and rhum. Not everything but almost all.
When I am drinking, I feel like all the stress I feel in life are being released. I thought when I drink, I will be able to forget all the problem that I have. I was wrong.
Now that I am older and sober, I realized that resorting my problem to drinking didn't help at all. It oftentimes worsened the situation. Why do I say so?
Example are people who worries everyday about getting money for food. With the little money they have, they use that to buy alcohol. Did the problem disappeared? It didn't. It actually doubled. Now, that person has a headache due to hungover and he lost the little money he had.
Reckless driving.
Someone's child died because of reckless driving. The reason was the driver was intoxicated with alcohol. The child's dream of becoming a policewoman turned into ashes. The driver was put to jail. Justice served. But it won't return the child's life. That can happen to you too. Either the child's or the driver's fate. Either way, it ends up bad. It's like a domino effect. So DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.
There are organizations that supports people that are considered alcohol dependent. They help people who thinks that they cannot live without alcohol. They help people get through the withdrawal period. If you are a person or if you know a person who is an alcohol dependent, reach out to these organizations. You cannot do it on your own. There are people that will help you get through it.
Written from 7:00pm to 7:10pm. Used my phones digital clock.
Used the classic pen and paper so I was able to write more words than usual.
Used Grammarly in typing the words to this platform.
This is my second entry. Hope you'll like it.
Alcohol intake is another atwmpt to suicide personally speaking