I still remember the first Easter i spent away from home, i mean who wouldn't? It was epic, filled with more food than i could eat, the fun i had was endless......
Or so i imagined my first easter away from home would be. Hahaha reality hit me hard, it was the exact opposite of everything you just read, it was one of the worst easter ever.
I just got admitted into college in Benin Republic, with the economy of things in Nigeria back then and how our currency had fallen, things were pretty bad for us over there. We could only have access to our money and bank accounts with the Nigerian banks at the border, so anytime we needed cash we had to travel to the border which would cost alot from were i was.
Back then i had two roommates, my self making us three. It was easter Friday, and one of my roommates Judy by name had plans to travel to Nigeria to get some supplies and come back the next day, we had notting in the house. It was the perfect plan i thought, i would simply give her my debit card and she would help me get some money on her way back in that way i wount have to spend anything on transportation. I really thought i was smart but faith had something else in store for me.
Judy travelled, i was happy expecting to get a little cash latest the following morning. With possibilities flashing before my eyes, i mean all the things i could buy with the cash, i could already taste them. The following day which is on saturday, we waited and waited Judy was nowere to be found, her number was not even going, hell there was no money to even buy credit for calling and there was notting to eat, we survived that day with only water.
Easter sunday came she was still nowhere to be found, all we had in the house was onions..... What in Gods name do we make out of that?
The hunger was real, the last me and danny my second roommate ate was on Friday morning, and its already sunday i was already see stars, i had to remain in one sport all through the weekend in other to save energy, only getting up to use the bathroom when needed.
Danny suddenly brought some vegetables from our backyard, saying they were eatable. At that point in time we nolonger cared who owns the vegetables or what would happen if they found out we took without permission.... Food was all that matters.
We boiled the vegetables with onion since that was all we had, i can still remember the taste. After that experience, i had a new found respect for salt. The vegetables without salt tasted like vomit, even with the hunger i couldn't bring my self to eat it. After two spoons i was in tears.. Is this how i die?
Would i be the second Jesus that died on Easter?
By monday morning we had given up hope, i was already crying in my heart (no energy to even cry out) confessing my sins to God before i die suddenly, Judy walked in. I no longer saw her as Judy, all i could see was money walking towards me in shinning light, i was in heaven i thought, am i finally dead? Next thing i was Judy giving me my money and explaining how she decided to stay for the easter with her loved ones.
Till now i still dont know how i got the strength, my feet moved like they had minds of its own, before i knew i found my self at the mini market behind us buying food. On my way back i saw Danny and judy laughing while looking for me, joining them we all laughed about the issue but really... It got me thinking how do goats enjoy grass?
The first I xperience such was when I travel to the village, it was a good,bad expweience