Tamarind has many properties and is also harmful in some cases. What are they?
**Tamarind controls heart pressure
**Reduces the risk of heart disease
**Many more times tamarind
When you hear the name of tamarind, the water in the tongue is eight to forty eight. Remember the theft of pickles in childhood? They are past with age. Tamarind has many benefits as well as being harmful in some cases. What are they? Learn about the benefits first. Reduces obesity and keeps you clean. Controlling the heartbeat regularly reduces the chances of heart disease. A little tamarind on the leaves means a lot of increased immunity. There are more qualities. Keep an eye on them-
Why eat tamarind: In addition to vitamins C, E, B, tamarind contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and fiber. And there are antioxidants. All in all, Mars will be good for your health.
1. Obesity will fall: You can take shelter of tamarind to be thin. The hydrocytic acid in it helps to shed fat from the body.
2. Cancer has answers:
Tamarind is irresistible in preventing cancer. It is rich in antioxidants and tartaric acid. Which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
3. Sugar is subdued:
Reduces diabetes by controlling sugar levels. Does not allow carbohydrates to be made in the blood. For this, diabetics can eat tamarind juice on an empty stomach in the morning.
4. Keeps the liver well:
All the liver problems are gone due to the quality of tamarind. Digestion is fast. Instant weight.
5. Blood pressure control:
The iron and potassium in it control the blood pressure by increasing the amount of red blood cells.
6. Tamarind paste when bitten:
Tamarind juice reduces the pain and irritation of biting.
The problem is playing too much:
1. As tamarind is a sour fruit, playing too much increases the acidity.
2. Eating more tamarind increases the amount of menstruation. The speed of blood circulation also increases. This causes a lack of blood in the body. If the speed of blood circulation increases, it is very harmful for the body.
3. Tamarind also has a role in pregnancy. Excessive tamarind consumption increases the risk of miscarriage.
4. Eating more tamarind means skin diseases, darkening of the skin, dark spots, acne and rashes increase. Decreased skin radiance.
5. It is also not good to reduce the level of glucose in the body. So diabetics should eat tamarind with the advice of a doctor.
6.Tamarind does not work well with some medicines. Eating tamarind before or after taking some medicines impairs the effectiveness of the medicine. Therefore, the sick person should eat tamarind following the advice of the doctor.
Very useful information.