Corgi dog (watercolor painting)

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Avatar for daring-celt
2 years ago

Hi my friends!

I rarely paint with watercolors because I don't always have the right paper.

It so happened that I came across a photo of a dog taken by my Livejournal friend.
I wanted to paint it with watercolors

This is my watercolor set.
Yes, I had good Fabriano cotton paper in stock.


I wet the paper around the dog and mixed the cobalt with the ultramarine - I like to paint with complex shades of color

To paint over the light colors of the coat, I mixed light ocher and ultramarine - this combination gives a gray color with a hint of steel.

For reddish coats, I mixed cadmium yellow, ocher red, and a little bit of ultramarine here and there to make the rich color a little softer.
Those areas where the shadow fell, I made darker (added sienna), and in the illuminated places - a golden orange color.

I painted the nose, eye and mouth rims with burnt umber, the eyes with sienna, and the tongue with carmine.

I don't know how realistic the corgi portrait turned out to be, but my friend (who photographed the dog) loved it

Here is such a smiling and positive dog turned out!

With love...

Sponsors of daring-celt

$ 6.08
$ 5.98 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @Ellen.he
Avatar for daring-celt
2 years ago


I love animals, very very much and I loved this doggy, I would like to pet it haha. I don't know why but it reminded me of that giant cat that you had drawn, while I was looking for it I saw that I have missed many of your drawings because I am not so active on the site.

I hope that soon I will have a whole free day with good internet to sit down and read and see all your articles. My phone has gone a bit crazy and deleted a lot of apps and won't let me install anything anymore, so I can no longer see the pictures you have on instagram

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks, Francys! Yes, I read about the fact that your Internet connection disappeared... it is unpleasant( We've a little problem with Instagram in Russia, so I don't post there now. You can see all my new drawings here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so sorry about that my friend, I hope all your problems will be solved soon, and I hope I can always hear from you here at and see all your drawings, I hope you are really well in spite of everything. Thanks for being so attentive to me and my articles.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I hope too) Thanks again))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow I fell in love with this dog. Just like you say, the dog is smiling and positive. Watercolor painting is very relaxing and full of good feeling. When I look at your paintings, I also want to go to my painting tools, after a long time, and start painting. Maybe one day I did... 🤗

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much, Ellen! I'm glad to hear that my drawings inspire someone to draw too.)) I'm not very good at watercolors, but I really like this art medium!

$ 0.00
2 years ago