What are you thankful for?
I should be thankful today because God gave me another day. Another chance to do better and save soul, another chance to spread His Words.
I remember our CWTS class before, every Saturday, we have to stand up and tell the whole class why should we be thankful for today. The first time our instructor told us to share the 3 things that made us thankful that day, made me really nervous. The feeling of talking while everyone is staring at you, plus I was surprised I don't know why am I thankful that day. I was in panic really. My classmates are from different engineering course because it's a class under NSTP so a lot of faces are new to me.
Some shared they are thankful for their family, love that they get from their friends or special someone, and all sorts of intangible things. It gave pressure to me that I will sound as if I am just copying them if I say the same thing, or say something that's too shallow and not inspirational at all.
Honestly, I can't remember now what I shared that day. It's because as we continue that same routine every Saturday sharing to the class why we are thankful today, I learned to be thankful even the smallest things that happened in my life.
That day my instructor told us how happy he was that we're thankful for the big things in our life. But how about next Saturday, are we going to say the same thing that we shared the last time? And that he told us, "I am thankful today because I woke up, I am thankful today because I ate a good breakfast, and I am thankful today that you attended my class". From that moment on, every Saturday, the class shared even the little things that they are thankful for.
I even shared before that I am thankful I ate rice for breakfast and someone commented "just rice no viand?", and the class laughed not the insulting laugh but just them being happy with what my classmate said. I laughed and replied, of course I have viand it's just that I seldom eat breakfast that's why I am thankful I did that day.
Some also shared they are thankful because they are not late in class, thankful it's not raining, thankful their mom called, it's a special day, got a date, they still have allowance, someone passed the exam, thankful for not being lazy attending class even it's raining, and a lot more. It's like we build relationships that no matter how different we are, we share the same mindset of being grateful with what we have every day, even those trivial things. That mindset lead me to be more appreciative and that's one of the best lesson I gained from that class.
I am thankful today because I have my coffee.
What are you thankful for?
With love and curiosity,
curioscat, Charlotte
Always thankful for another blessed day and also another opportunity to do something great and different