Pressured Wednesday
Rain rain go away come again another day lil catoo wants to play rain rain 🌧️ go away~
The constant rain is the only constant happening in my life right now. Plus the not so productive me hays. My sister again ask me to babysit ger son because her husband is currently have fever, cough, and cold 😷 and their son just recovered from it. They're afraid he might get it again. So yeah no review for today, well at some point I won't review today really because of my headache. It started when I kept on smelling bad odor, I know it's from my cat's poop but it's really strong that made me feel really sick huhu. I think anyone who has a cat can definitely understand my agony hahaha cat's poop are sooooo mind blowing hahahah a killer 🤮🤢
But anyway, it's a pressured Wednesday for me to honest. Yesterday, the result for the October 2022 Chemical Engineering Licensure Examination is out and all my close friends passed it (yeyyy). I am genuinely happy for them, I know how they struggled and always continue regardless of the result they get everytime they have mock exams.
I posted this on my My Day and a lot actually gave it a heart. Some replied with congratulations to my friends and some even asked me how I did hahha I pranked them that I failed the exam but eventually told them I didn't take lols. I messaged some of my not so close friends but I still consider as friends with congratulations and of course after thanking me they will say "you're next (to pass)" well I am hoping yes but I do feel pressured hahaha. I sometimes overthink the exam and of course imagine myself passing the board, and then there's this "what if I fail?"
It's still a good thing that Words of God comfort me whenever I start doubting. Of course I know my capacity-I am not smart and slow learner, but nothing is impossible with God 😊
It's now or not now, but not never
It maybe a pressured Wednesday, but also a hopeful one. Have a good day!
Best of luck on that faithful day☺️... Don't pressure urself too much, enjoy reviewing