That Spur of the Moment Getaway

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2 years ago

Before Coron Palawan and Bani Pangasinan, this beach destination was the closest to my heart. It was one of those weekend afternoons in 2014 where I casually meet some of my bff’s for some coffee, or so I thought. What is planned to be just a day to meet my friends turned out to be one of those impromptu getaway that is so much fun I just had to write about it and share it here.

Dasol is one of those hidden gems of Pangasinan, we’ve been exploring a lot of those white sands that Pangasinan is offering like Anda and Bolinao but we had never heard of Dasol. The only other white sand beach I know during that time that is also located in Northern Luzon was in Pagudpod, Ilocos Norte. I brought up Dasol to my two bff’s on how my cousin who went there a few weeks ago, marvelled about how beautiful the place is. Both of my buddies has no idea of Dasol as well and before we knew it, we were rushing home that same afternoon to pack our bags and before 12 midnight we were there at the island. It took us seven hours which includes three bus transfers and one tricycle ride. If it is through a private car 3-4 hour trip will normally get us there.
Here are some photos taken during our first visit to Dasol.

The island doesn’t have any of the usual resort with a pool or a restaurant, Dasol is just a fisherman’s island however the residents are getting aware that many tourists are already discovering their place so some residents are offering homestays. It was my first time to go island hopping and I was so much in awe how clean the ocean and how fine their white sands are. I was also surprised that we only spent more or less 1,000 php (20 USD) per head for this incredible experience.

Sharing to you below what I have written in my facebook account about my experience in Dasol:

Spontaneous Getaway with two of my Best Buds. Backpackers Style. 7 hour Trip. Bumpy road. Staying at a Fishing Village. No hotels, No big resorts, no souvenir shops. Island Hopping, A place that holds surprises for a not so popular destination and finding a pristine white beach which I found to be the most beautiful I`ve been to.

Take Two!

I got so fond of Dasol that I can’t wait to go back, so less than a year after, we backpacked our way to the same place this time with my daughter, my 2 bff’s who were with me the first time we discovered the place, and two other girl friends. It was my 2nd time, but the trip felt like as magical as the first time with more people to share it with. Here are some photos during my 2nd time exploring Dasol:

We created a group album and posted them to our Facebook account and this is what I wrote on my Facebook summarizing my 2nd visit of Dasol.

It was Summer of 2014 when we first invaded this paradise with two of my best buds. I made a promise that the next time I will visit this place, I will bring my daughter who loved the beach as much as I do. When the opportunity to go there for the 2nd time arrived, I knew we wouldn`t miss it for the world. With arms that ached from climbing the boat, cuts and scratches from those rock formations, aching legs and butts from the long hours of travel, the trip was again worth it.

The Third Time

Yep, the island is so beautiful i had to be there again, this time with my hubby (who haven’t been there), my daughter, my friend and his two siblings. This time, we are travelling using our own car with my husband as the driver so the travelling time is lesser. Our wedding anniversary falls in the summer, in the month of May, we made it a tradition since our first anniversary to go for some R&R. The thallosophille that I am always chose the beach, so two years after my last visit, we chose Dasol. I felt like one of my bucketlist was fulfilled when I finally brought my husband and daughter together for my favorite place.
Here’s one of our best photo as a family taken at Tambobong Island, Dasol.

Reminiscing and looking at these island adventures makes me want to blame Covid again for over staying. The tradition of going to a beautiful beach for every wedding anniversary we had has been halted because of this pandemic. Please Covid, have mercy on us and go to Mars or Neptune or any planet you choose from. Kidding aside, I really pray that next year will be Covid free and full of family and friends getaway for all of us.

All Pictures Are Mine.

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Avatar for crazybeautifulfurmom
2 years ago


It seems like a good destination for a beach vacation. The first photo reminds me of a little island that I used to visit with my family when I was a child and we used to go on vacation to a house that my grandparents had on a beach.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang saya naman sis. Ang ganda rin. Baka pag napunta ako dyan, mag-uuwi ako ng mga bato bato :D

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehe oo kaso bawal daw ata as much as possible mag uwi mga bato sa ocean.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hehehe, yon lang :D Mahilig ako mag collect ng mga bato na makinis and iba ang color or shapes :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parang madalas ko din po itong naririnig. Pag mag open na lahat baka maging sikat na po siya lng tourist spot.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oo din medyo sumisikat na sya past 5 years kasi ung last na punta namin may mga nagtatayo na ng resort

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pintasen dtan.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Intau nu next hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Noting a trip to Dasol soon. hehe

$ 0.04
2 years ago

Go sis. May pating daw dun haha! Ask mo soon yung tour guide anu masasabi nia sa pating chismis hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

ahaha may pa chismistungkol sa pating si manong guide? hahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hindi. Yung isang friend ko na nakapunta dun sya nakasagap ng chismis. Plan ko iconfirm sa tour guide din pag nakapunta ulit haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ahahhaah kelan ka ulit punta ba? sabay nating confirm

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wala pa. Pag nakahanap ako pet sitter na pwede mag overnight hehe! Pag sa dasol kasi need mag overnight para masulit yung lugar

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dasol looks so new. I’m sure that visiting the place will be fun. I can see the big stones and pebbles, they’re all beautiful. Since people are already discovering Dasol, very soon, it will be a very big tourist centre

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup, wish i had money when i learned in 2014 that some lots there were for sale

$ 0.00
2 years ago