Introverts, the very normal beings with rare blessing!

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2 years ago


I am an introvert, and not before long ago, I didn't really ever thought myself as normal just like other peeps are, I thought there are some stuffs wrong about me, you see, being alone and enjoying it, having few friends, not much of a hangout person, hating social programs like party or school functions, seeing peers having fun socializing and wondering how they can oh so enjoy being so loud all the time without being exhausted!

You see, when extroverts would play all day and night, attend social parties, talking with random strangers, and having those small talks, literally, the inside feeling was that they are absolutely aliens and they are torturing themselves and having fun in self destructions!

But then I started to realize as I started to learn more about psychology that a person can fall into a group of people in which they can be "normally" enjoy socializing with peeps without feeling exhaustive, rather they gain energy, quite opposite for introverts who need a lot of alone time to recharge and solitude is heaven!

When I started to realize my identity and learnt that I am an introvert, automatically I started to have all my guilts of not socializing enough or making friends much fade away. I was happy with myself, I was happy of having the special qualities every introverts get.

For introverts, the mind is always on fire while the physical body might be numb! When an introvert is in his comfort zone, on the bed, he/she can think about concepts and ideas which are limitless, which are so weird yet so interesting! From thinking about the existence of universe to the passing of time, there is not a thing about which they don't think about!

Introverts can be often mistakenly labelled as anti-social elements or people who lacks social abilities, but the thing is, the word "being social" have a completely different meaning in the dictionaries of introverts! Introverts love to talk about ideas, have long debates on controversial topics and these are stuffs they are attracted to, to be forced to do small talks is their nightmare, these small talks and small gathering which gives extroverts dopamine and stimulation, is simply a waste of time and energy for an introvert!

If you have an introverted friend, family member or someone who is close to you, make sure you should know the characteristics of introverted people, sometimes, introverts' acts can often be seen as rude or something, but actually, an introvert not talking much doesn't imply they don't want to be friends with you or they have no interest, it is just what we are!

To all extroverts, ambiverts (the middle of extroverts and introverts ;)) and introverts, we all represent the whole of human species and it is our duty to use the special privileges we have got and use it for us!


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2 years ago
