10 Facts About Me, a Writer Wannabe

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Avatar for coffeejelly
2 years ago

Every book has a simple introduction about its author. It tells you who the author is, what did he or she achieved and other things so you could get to know the author more.

As a wannabe writer here, I also want to let you know who am I. I’m not really the type to approach you and introduce myself but I feel really free in this writing community.

So here it is…

1.      I am a third year Accountancy student

GIF from Gfycat

Yep, brave of me to take such a hard course. Sometimes, I regret being here but I’m already in my third year (which is actually a great feat and I don’t really know how I did it) so I might as well continue this wild ride.

But, I chose to take this course because I wanted to be a professional accountant. I expected to have a lot of job opportunities in this field which I think is a great assurance in this day where unemployment rate is really low.

2.      I used to be in our school paper publication

Schools have their own newspaper publication. Most schools here issue a school news paper every school year. I was a part of the staff and was actually in the top positions for years. It is something I’m really proud of. It was a part of my high school that gave me so much memories.

My experience in our school pub helped me loved writing more and improve it. I used to join competitions on editorial writing so I kind of have serious tones in my writing. I really wish I could continue being in a school publication this college but I’m afraid I won’t have the time.

3.      I love cats and dogs but I’m too scared to have a cat again

Photo is mine

I love pets and I dream of being a fur-mom in the future. We have a dog in our home and I really love him (His name is Darky). I once had a pet cat but one day I got home from school and my mother told me he was dead. I never had one since, but I plan to have one in the future.

4.      I’m an avid fan of anime since I was a child with 1-digit age

Part of a Filipino kid childhood is watching dubbed anime on TV like SlamDunk, Dragonball, Naruto, Bleach and others. I started watching anime on TV as a kid then when we switched to PC, I became more hooked and watched more anime. From a kid watching so many anime on her desktop computer, I'm now a young adult who still loves anime but struggles to finish one due to busy schedule.

5.      I don’t know how to ride a bike.

It is really a life skill I never learned. I tried but it was too late. I guess I’m gonna spend my life using public transport. But, that’s not really a bad idea cause I don’t want to contribute to more traffics and accidents (because I’m clumsy).

6.      I’m learning how to crochet but I ran out of yarn as of this moment

Photo is mine

I’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet and I’ve only started a few months ago because I saved up enough to buy my materials. Thanks to YouTube tutorials, I was able to finish some cute projects. But, I need more yarns and I don’t have any budget for it now. Hopefully, I could gain a lot here.

7.      I have a boyfriend uwu flex

We became together just recently after a taking our time getting to know each other more. He’s my first boyfriend and definitely the last. He’s more than I could ever ask for. We’re really happy but I hope the restrictions end so we can meet more frequently.

8.      I don’t have any fashion sense

I’m used to only wearing a simple shirt and jeans. I have only started showing interest in the clothes I wear recently. And I’m really struggling choosing outfits and styles. (Suggestions are appreciated)

9.      I love Percy Jackson Series and Magnus Chase

Photo from Google

If you haven’t read this, you’re really missing out. It’s a really fun take about Greek and Norse mythology. You’ll see yourself getting attached to the characters. It’s humorous but teaches you about love, friendship and family.

10.   I once had a surgical operation

I had appendicitis when I was 13. It was my first time getting hospitalized. It really hurt but I’m better now since it's been years. I'm turning 21 this year already. Time flies so fast.

I hope you knew more about me. And I hope to interact more with all of you here.

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2 years ago


I have an affinity for greek myth which is why I recently bought the percy jackson series! I'm so hooked with Rick Riordan's writing style, so much na kahit di ko pa natatapos tong lightning thief eh gusto ko na bilhin yung ibang series nya AHAHA

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You should buy the whole PJO series and the sequel! You won't regret it. It feels nice to have someone with the same interests. Most people kasi e mas hooked sa Harry Potter. Nakakatuwa na may bet si Percy hahaha

Sana matuloy tuloy mo kasi it gets better. Uncle Rick is the best talaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for share this. Many things not match with me.hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thats okay hahaha we're all different and unique.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I had fun reading your article. Though I already know all of these, I still felt excited because it's all about you. Let me play with darky pls uwu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You kinda sound arrogant but it's true hahaha you know me too much. Nakikita mo naman every morning si darky hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am an Anime lover too. I also have a pet dog and cats. But those cats are just our adopted pets. Hmm...Sorry to hear about your appendicitis. I hope you take good care of yourself for always sis. Nice meeting you..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nice meeting you too sis. Take good care of yourself also to avoid regrets in the end (like me 🤣)

I'm glad to meet someone who loves anime here. I'm only watching Attack on Titan these days and I hope you're watching that too hehe.

Take good care of your cats. They're really cute ♥️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Accountancy is indeed a great course. It is challenging because only few who enrolled that course. I don't know today. Riding a bike is something difficult for my wife same as your. She prefers to drive a car than a bike.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. Now I feel really brave because I took this course.

Maybe, your wife and I both don't like to get tired and stay under the sun hehe. Stay safe to both of you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bestie, I had no idea you had appendicitis. I'm glad you're feeling okay now.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It was really hard that time. That's why we should always take care of our health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago