Dating Apps: Kind of Glad I Didn't Have to Be Rewired

Avatar for cmoneyspinner
3 years ago
Topics: Personal

People often ask if the next generation is better off than the previous generation. I say it's not really that big of a difference between generations. Another generation may enjoy things that weren't available in the previous generation. But in all, each generation pretty much goes through the same joys and hardships of this life.

That being said there is one thing that I am glad I didn't have to go through. I feel very uncomfortable with this idea of "dating apps". I met my husband the old-fashioned way. I walked up to him and introduced myself.

Anybody met their current partner using an app?

If you think the question is too personal and don't want to answer, I understand.

Anybody KNOW OF somebody who met their partner using a dating app?

I was listening to a television evangelist one time who had become a widower. He said he was lonely and wanted a partner. He admitted that he was so desperate to find someone that he used a dating app. This guy was probably in his 60s or 70s. Definitely FROM my generation. But I thought: "He's preaching to a huge congregation full of thousands of living breathing humans and can't find a potential partner?" That was my thought. OK? Don't object to me just thinking.

There may be some THINKING about using a dating app but they understandably have some fears or doubts or reservations about it.

Maybe those who have used these apps could give them some advice.

To be honest, my advice would be DON'T DO IT!!

Sorry. I'm from a different generation where meeting other people wasn't so technological. Even though that evangelist and I are from the same generation, when I hear about those apps, I don't see the word DATING. I see DANGER! It seems very scary. I am so scared I don't even want my kids using them. Of course, they are all grown up and make their own decisions. If they want to use them, I can't stop them.

Guess I'm just not wired properly.

Anybody KNOW OF somebody who met their partner using a dating app?

Anybody else like me who is scared of dating apps?

App-based Dating is Here to Stay

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$ 0.01 from @sanctuary.the-one-law
Avatar for cmoneyspinner
3 years ago
Topics: Personal
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"...the old-fashioned way. I walked up to him and introduced myself."

That still happens to people who never give up,
I am reminded daily by someone I know who, successfully,
did precisely that some years back.

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2 years ago