Sulejmanov most ubraja se u još jedan graditeljski pothvat u vremenu vladavine osmanskog sultana Sulejmana IOsijekom. Bilo je to davne 1566. godine kada je Sulejman, nakon osvajanja Osijeka, u svom daljnjem pohodu trebao stići do Beča.
Suleiman's Bridge is one of the other construction projects during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman IOsijek. It was back in 1566 when Sulejman, after the conquest of Osijek, was to reach Vienna in his further campaign.
Most, dakako drveni, bio je dugačak 8 kilometara, a išao je od Osijeka preko rijeke Drave i močvarnog teritorija sve do Darde u Baranji. Njegova širina od 8 metara bila je dovoljna za nesmetani prolazi kočija s obje strane. Most je bio pričvršćen na čamce koji su bili međusobno povezani lancima. Učvršćene daske postavili su preko čamaca za dodatnu stabilnost. Most je bio ograđen sa strane, a osim kočija, na svakoj je strani bilo mjesta i za jednog pješaka. Priče govore da je most bio izgrađen u samo dva tjedna, a u tu svrhu koristile su se snage više od 25 tisuća vojnika.
The bridge, of course wooden, was 8 kilometers long, and went from Osijek over the Drava and wetlands all the way to Darda in Baranja. Its width of meters was sufficient for the unimpeded passages of the carriages on both sides. The bridge was attached to boats that were interconnected by chains. Fixed planks were placed over the boats for added stability. The bridge was fenced on the side, and in addition to the carriages, there was room for one pedestrian on each side. Stories say that the bridge was built in just two weeks, and a force of more than 25,000 soldiers was used for that purpose.
Most je bio u funkciji sve do 1686. godine. Nakon poraza Osmanlija kod Beča, nestao je Sulejmanov most. Iako je brzo bio obnovljen, habsburški vojskovođa je već sljedeće godine zauzeo Dardu. Osmanlije su bježali prema Osijeku upravo preko ovog Sulejmanovog mosta, a za sobom su ga uništavali i rušili
The bridge was in operation until 1686. After the defeat of the Ottomans near Vienna, Suleiman's Bridge disappeared. Although it was quickly rebuilt, the Habsburg general captured Darda the following year. The Ottomans fled towards Osijek right over this Sulejman's bridge, and behind them they destroyed and demolished it.
Wow, nisam znala za ovaj mojst...