We encounter various life problems every day. It often seems to us that life is actually made up of problems. As soon as we solve one, three new ones already appear. We wonder how long so?
Why can’t we just enjoy a little, be carefree for at least one small period of life. On the other hand, we see that by solving our own problems we become more experienced, more mature, stronger, etc. Or as it would be said, "What does not kill us, strengthens us."
One instructive story:
The butterfly begins its life like an egg. After five to 10 days, the caterpillar hatches from the eggs and grows over the next two to four weeks, after which it turns into a pupa. Within the pupae, a transformation occurs that lasts 10 to 15 days.This whole process is called metamorphosis ("change of shape").
One man was watching and it seemed to him that the butterfly in the pupae was struggling, that it was taking too long… He decided to help the gentle creature: he cut pupae and allowed the butterfly to come out with ease. Satisfied with his intervention, the man continued to watch the butterfly. This one, in turn, remained in place, not moving. He couldn't spread his wings and take off. His body remained fragile, his wings crumpled.
Unfortunately, man did not know that the effort of release from the pupae the butterfly's body, allows faster blood flow to the young wings and prepares his body for flight.
The message of this story is many.
< Life's problems exist for a reason, and in countless, though often incomprehensible, ways, difficulties empower us.
< Natural currents should not be rushed, nor should they always be to entangle.
< In some situations, the person (or child) has to fight for himself / herself and rely on his / her own strength.
< By capturing shortcuts, we weaken our potentials.
< Good intentions are not always enough.
< And how nicely Mark Twain said it "It's wiser to find out than to guess."
Do you agree?
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