The coronavirus and the rather bad situation with the pandemic in Croatia, but also in the world, made me think a little and write my own opinion about it.
True, each of us does what he wants with his life. No one should interfere with anyone’s life, actions and everything else. We make our own decisions.
How your decisions affect you doesn’t interest me at all! Your body, your thing. If you want to walk around the world naked, walk. Will you get a tattoo on your forehead, my dears, the forehead is yours. As long as it doesn’t endanger the lives of others, do what you want!
Well, that's where we came to that important word - threatening! So if no one else is endangered by your behavior, we have no problem with that. But, if your actions and behavior endanger other lives, then, whether we like it or not, it is very important to us.
There are people who think that the virus does not exist. There are people who think the virus was deliberately released from the lab. There are people who also think that the pandemic was invented for something else. There are also people who are too worried about everything that they can’t even live as much as normal. Really, I don’t mind at all that everyone has their own opinion. We all believe in various things, but we also have the right to believe in whatever we want, right?
However with the virus the situation is a little different, because some things about the virus concern us all. And some of our actions can greatly affect other people. Because it doesn’t just concern the individual, but everyone!
f your not wearing a mask on your mouth and nose can endanger others, and unfortunately I can, then I would ask you to put on that mask because of all the other people who don’t want to get infected or are a risk group. Do you understand?
If you think you don't need a mask indoors because COVID-19 is a mild disease or you think the disease doesn't exist, ok, don't wear a mask, but only when you're alone indoors.
No one has the right to be irresponsible here. In some things we all have to be responsible, no matter how much it gets in the way of our opinion.
Some have no choice because they are a risk group and it is not their choice. Unfortunately, they have to be more careful than others.
Be responsible. You also think about others and how your irresponsible actions might affect others.
So be responsible and that this group of people who are vulnerable do not have to be afraid to go out and be outside, or go to the store.
Do they have to be locked up in a house for 2 years? Not.
Please be accountable to these people and whether you believe or not believe in Covid 19 follow the epidemiological recommendations and wear a protective mask.
na zalost danas je previse neobrazovanih i bahatih persona ciji se glas nasiroko cuje, pa nam je cela ova situacija na globalnom nivou bolnija nego sto bi mozda morala da bude. Odsustvo drustvene odgovornosti, i nevidjena sebicnost su se uvukle u svaki aspekt nase svakodnevice. Mozda je ovo prilika da se malo dozovemo pameti, ali iskreno sumnjam, kada sve ovo prodje malo ko ce uspeti da izvuce pravu pouku