Charles Aznavour - bohemian, poet and gentleman

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3 years ago

On this day, October 1, 2018, French singer Charles Aznavour passed away - bohemian, poet and gentleman.

France and the whole world said goodbye to the great chanson Charles Aznavour at the age of 95, and this is what it looked like when the legendary singer performed at the Belgrade House of Trade Unions on January 17, 1969.

Aznavour has sold more than 180 million records worldwide over his decades-long career, and has proven himself as an actor in more than 60 films.

Of Armenian descent, Aznavour was born on May 22, 1924 in Paris to an immigrant family as Shahnour Vaghinag Aznavourian.

Named "French Frank Sinatra", he was best known for the hits "She", "What Makes a Man", "La Boheme", "What Makes a Man", "Toi et Moi", "The Sound of Your Name", La Mamma "," Que C'est Triste Venise ", 'Yesterday When I Was Young".

Charles Aznavour is a legend for France, Europe and World. The best singer of history music all times. She is a legendary love song music for eternity.

He recorded more than 1,200 songs and sang in seven languages. He has performed in more than 90 countries around the world.

He has won a number of awards and recognitions. Among other things, in 2017, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

During his career he also gained great wealth, and for years he lived in Switzerland. A French court once fined him about $ 1.3 million for tax evasion.

Aznavur has been married three times and has six children,

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3 years ago


Ne znam što napisati osim da Vam poklonim moj post!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am thrilled that he sang in seven languages ... A really great artist! He sang for presidents, popes and royal families, as well as at numerous humanitarian events.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sarl Aznavur je pevao divne sansone. U vreme kada je on nastupao samo su pravi, talentovani muzicari mogli da budu popularni za razliku od danas kada se popularnost stice na razne, kod mnogih sumnjive nacine. Doduse, za njega ce se i dugo znati sto nije slucaj kod ovih " na brzinu slavnih".

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Odlican je bio za vreme u kome je ziveo i radio, mada mislim da danas takav tip talenmta ne bi mogao lako da ispliva na povrsinu, mnogo se sve istumbalo naopacke

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Šanson je bil zvrst, s katero se je Charles Aznavour uveljavil, hkrati pa je bil on eden najpomembnejših izvajalcev, ki so proslavili to zvrst – na čelu z Edith Piaf, Aznavourjevo podpornico, ki ga je spodbudila k pevski karieri in ji dala zagon, ko ga je leta 1946 vzela s seboj na turnejo po ZDA.

Oba, tako Piafova kot Aznavour, sta odrastla na ulicah živahnega Pariza. Izhajala sta iz podobnega okolja, boemskega uličarstva, bordelov, gledališč, kavarn. In oba sta bila fizično majhna človeka. Ona je v višino merila 142, on pa 160 centimetrov. Predvsem zanj so sprva kritiki trdili, da je ob tem, da je pregrd in da slabo poje, tudi premajhen. Zasebno nista bila nikdar par. Oziroma: »Bila sva kot bratranec in sestrična. Nikdar nisva imela ljubezenske afere in to naju je ohranilo.« Osem let sta bila nerazdružljiva. Ne nazadnje mu je Piafova svetovala, naj si operira nos, skupaj pa sta leta 1951 preživela tudi težko prometno nesrečo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nikada nisam cula za njega do sada. Njegovu muziku sam cula, ali nisam imala predstavu ko je taj izvodjac. Pozdrav

$ 0.00
3 years ago