When a friend leaves, there is an immense pain".

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago

There is a very nice song that says "when a friend leaves, there is an immense pain" and how true this phrase is, the pain is immense, so big that it does not fit in your chest and it hurts as much as if it were going to burst. It is a pain that does not let me breathe and to be able to do so I have to take breaths of air. I would like to cry a lot, until I run out of tears and I can't cry anymore.

Today I just want to sit here and write something but my thoughts do not let me think of anything else but the death of my friend Romelia.

Romelia came into our lives about 11 years ago when she moved into our building. At the beginning she was a little serious but then we grew to trust and support each other, then I met her husband Mr. Domingo with whom I became close friends, together we formed a single family, one of those that you want to have and keep forever.

Mr. Domingo coincidentally also died a year ago (March 3rd) and although I had not overcome that death I was already used to the idea, but yesterday I felt in a nightmare, it was as if I was repeating that day when my friend Romelia called me and told me that she had to give me some bad news. It was the same yesterday, only it was her granddaughter who gave me such a terrible message.

I only remember that I screamed and thinking that I was asleep, I asked her to wake me up from that painful dream.

There are no words that can appease so much suffering, a thousand things go through my mind, memories, our last meeting, our last conversation, her face and her smile, her warm embrace and her advice. Through my mind I only thought that life is very cruel sometimes and that only a year after having taken my friend, now she was ripping my friend out of my hands.

Domingo and Romelia:

Mr. Domingo was very cheerful and funny, kind and helpful. Every time we cooked something we loved to share it; Domingo cooked very well and always made things that I had never eaten before. I remember that at the beginning he put a lot of salt in the food, I think he was used to that and little by little I told him and he really improved his touch of seasoning. All the time he had a new joke and I made fun of him because he looked like the Pope.

The truth is that we spent beautiful moments together; I remember that his favorite date was his birthday, every December 5th he would gather us all together and make us spend a beautiful day. His last birthday he began to prepare about 3 months before, he only talked about it and how much he dreamed that we would meet at the farm where he had spent the last months of his life, that day he made a soup that I can not forget. He was so happy that in the months that followed and until his last day of life he only repeated over and over again how much fun he had had and how grateful he was that we had granted his wish.

I don't know if these are my ideas or if destiny is telling us and warning us that we should say goodbye, but he behaved so well those last months and he did nothing but tell me how much he loved me and how grateful he was to God and to life for having met me and for having maintained this friendship. He would also tell me how much he loved his family and his wife. Domingo left to meet God on March 3rd at 5 o'clock in the morning, quietly at home with his wife, holding hands together.

Romelia and Domingo had a very beautiful love story, because he met her when she was diagnosed with lymphoma, he happened to be a nurse and they met in the middle of all that, since then they fell in love, he swore eternal love, and although they thought she was not going to overcome the disease, destiny wanted something else. Thanks to his care Romelia lived, they got married, had 3 healthy and beautiful children and formed a home in the capital of the country.

With Romelia the friendship was very sincere or at least that's how I felt, she was my confidant, my support, my advisor. She listened to me and vice versa; we shared many beautiful moments, I liked the way she danced and enjoyed life in spite of her heart condition that always came back.

In previous years she overcame these attacks and illnesses because her husband took good care of her and he himself put her treatment to the letter, but this time, this year it could not be like that, he was no longer there and although she tried to get better and do the treatment as the doctors told her, nothing made her get out of that condition.

We were all watching her, her children, her grandchildren, her friends, but the disease won the battle and yesterday in the early hours of the morning death took her away.

I can NOT describe the great pain I feel, I think I will cry a lot for several days, but I must accept it and understand that we all came to this world and we must fulfill a cycle.

In this week that is coming to an end, a week where we celebrate love and friendship, I can only remember the beautiful moments we lived, thank God for having put in my way such wonderful people

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago


I felt heart broken that makes me sad . But it through when we lose some one who we loved with all our heart it will cause pain . Just like me the death of my grandmother makes me heartbroken still now because she is always there for me . Nice meeting you and be good mam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to meet you too, there are unique friends in life, those who are always there for everything, for the good and bad moments, hopefully life will give me more friends like them in the future, I will be open minded and eager to receive them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The pain is really much, I have experienced it too. Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Immense pain will be forever in our hearts if anyone close to us would be gone for good. I think the pain never goes away, we just learn to live with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think you are right, before remembering my friend I felt a lot of sadness but I had learned to deal with it. But now that pain is coming back to me. I hope it will soon go away.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We will never be prepared to accept the departure of a loved one. It hurts. Time does not make you forget, but it releases the pressure from the heart. And the shared moments begin to come with tears of resignation and peace. A hug from a distance friend. I understand your pain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi honey, it's so sad. my chest hurts, but I know that little by little this pain will go away. At night it is hard for me to sleep.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sending my condolences, he is in the better place right now and the memories you had will always be mesmerize.

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2 years ago

Last night I couldn't sleep and I liked to remember these beautiful moments we lived.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The ones we've lost on the way will always remain in our hearts for all eternity. To us, they aren't dead but just underwent a transition. May their souls rest in perfect peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love, your words are comforting to me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very touching indeed Mam. When people close to us leave its difficult for few days But then life should go on. That's the truth. Anyway take care dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's what I said to my kids this morning, they encourage me a lot. The best thing to do is to occupy myself so as not to think

$ 0.00
2 years ago

👍you are good in art and cooking. So just keep your passion and go on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My condolences to you and your friend's family. That part of life is something that no one can get over with. I am sure that they are happy that you were a part of their lives too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for your words, it really encourages me to continue. they and I had a good friendship that I will miss forever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i'm very sorry for your loss and yes you are right, friends leaving us behind hurts a lot, huggsss and know that your friend is in a better place now. Actually, friends who left in this world and friends who leave without saying why both hurt and i also know that nothing can ease the pain no matter what the people around you says... praying for you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right, they are better off where they are now. she was suffering a lot with her illness and he was no longer there to take care of her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just a deep breathe came out of my chest. I feel it dear. Sorry to hear that. And you my dear, I'm sure they are so proud of you from another place 🥺

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2 years ago

I am happy to have had good friends like them, we shared everything. With him I felt safe because he also gave me a lot of support and with her I felt comfort because she always had a word, a piece of advice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am very sorry, as you say, friends who become family are unique and it is very unfortunate when they leave.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm holding on to those beautiful memories we lived, our discussions, our laughs, birthdays and simple days like having a coffee and cake, hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago