An embroidered cloth for a very special person 💐 ❤🌹

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
3 years ago

When things are done with love, things like this beautiful hand cloth that I have made to give to Mrs. Mercedes for her birthday are produced. She is a very special friend, she has taken care of us for years and has unintentionally occupied a very special place in our hearts.

Mrs. Mercedes is my husband's boss and I have never seen her in person, but I love and respect her because she has proven to be a good boss, one of those that everyone would like to have. I want to dedicate this post to her as I explain how I have elaborated this year, which takes several craft techniques, such as crocheting, sewing, cross stitch embroidery and making ribbon flowers.

Every June 30 is the birthday of Mrs. Mercedes, she comes from Spain and arrived many years ago to Venezuela where she and her husband and family built a company, there they have supported many Venezuelans who have really wanted to work and move forward in this country. I believe that like these foreigners there are many who came with their capital and formed small, medium and large industries that promoted employment and investment, there was also competition in the market and that was good, other foreigners such as the Portuguese opened bakeries, the Arabs opened shoe stores or appliance stores and so each one promoted many opportunities here in the country. It is unfortunate to say that many have left, and those who still remain are working at half speed.

But people like Mr. Jose (her son) and her have helped us a lot and that is why I will always pray for their health and ask for many blessings for their lives because they deserve it.

As you can see I am passionate about talking about this topic, but we better cut it short and continue talking about my gift, this year I made a nice cloth with a very beautiful embroidery in roses, and for that I bought some materials such as cloth fabric, ribbons, knitting yarn in red. At home I had some material for the embroidery and I also had the dopiobelo fabric for the embossed flowers.

To make these roses I have cut from the red dopiobelo fabric some strips measuring 8 centimeters by 12 centimeters long, then with the iron we are going to fold towards the center as you can see in the image and again we fold until we get a 2 centimeters ribbon. With this ribbon we are going to fold and form the rose and with the help of the needle and thread we are going to make stitches.

When we have the roses ready we must draw on the embroidery fabric a design of how we want our cloth to look like, I confess that when I saw that blank space in the upper right corner the first thing that came to my mind was to place more small flowers, but then I changed my mind and embroidered the initial of the name of Mrs. Mercedes. Well, the next thing to do is to sew this embroidery to the cloth fabric with the machine. We place the lace and the decorative fabric to highlight even more the work, in my case I placed Vichy checkered fabric.

Later I crocheted all the way around, first I made a single crochet, two chains and a single crochet, we continue with this sequence until the end, then we make a fan pattern, that is: in each space of two chains of the previous row we will make the following sequence, single crochet, in the following space we knit the fan pattern of two double crochet stitches, one chain and two double crochet stitches, all in the same space, then a single crochet in the following chain stitch space, and so we continue until the end of the whole row.

As you can see it is something super simple, in the market you can get a variety of materials that make the difference, depending on the quality of these will make your work look more beautiful.

Well friends, I can only tell you that when Mrs. Mercedes saw this cloth she was so grateful that she sent me a beautiful message with my husband, I am a little sorry but that message was very motivating for me.

Eriquiña Embroidery

I can not do this work without first thanking my friend Erika, who lives in Brazil and since I contacted her on Facebook she was very kind to me and very patiently taught me how to make these roses that you see in my work. Many times I remember how we communicated and it makes me laugh because she spoke Portuguese and I spoke Spanish, that was crazy, but when one speaks the same language of love and there is the desire to do things then everything becomes easier.

I say goodbye but not before telling you that we all have a little creativity in our hearts, it's just a matter of letting it out and exploring new things. This cloth can be made in the color you want, in the size you like and if you like you can also put the full name of the person you want to give it to. So there you have that detail. Take care of yourselves and remember friends, "Smile, it's free".

$ 10.30
$ 10.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for carolinacardoza
3 years ago


I envy those who are so good with their hands in producing crafts. Knowing how painstaking the work you did was, I am sure Mrs. Mercedes appreciated the effort very much.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Thank you very much, I really appreciate your comment because it inspires me to keep doing things right. We all have a gift for making beautiful things, some people sing and others cook, my thing is crafts, I love to make things with my hands.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This requires attention to details and hard work. This is a perfect gift I must say. Carefully done and the colour is so catchy which makes it lovely. A lot of hard work went into this and no wonder it turned out beautiful.

Well done.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

I'm sure she will, her birthday is coming up again soon and I'm already preparing something beautiful to give her. I know that people in Spain love knitting and embroidery.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow. I hope you will share with us again what you have in plan to make. I would love to see your creativity. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago