Illustrated central planning / tax rate thermometer

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4 years ago

$ 0.45
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4 years ago
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You are right. I had the similar conversation with someone a year ago. I was arguing that more socialism means more tax and less freedom. It seems i am not the only one who is on this oppinion.

Basically there is a good indicator to find out if a country is free, or not. The dictature index of the country equals to the taxation index.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

so if 100% of the budget goes to pow security is it a 100% tax? what if 30% goes to SW 30% goes to pow sec, 30% to customer support and marketing and 10% back to hodlers as dividends? That is a 70% tax because the only blessed by God allocation of the budget is pow sec, right? This tax talk is religious drivel, worthy of the bsv sect.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

All I care about is the miner owns the coins he mines. What he does with the money after, is his responsibility.

If he doesn't invest wisely, he will lose to miners who are smarter.

$ 0.01
User's avatar btcfork
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4 years ago

how is that related to my post?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

the only blessed by God allocation of the budget is pow sec, right?

You ought to know better?

The protocol works fine, miners can just transact like everyone else too. No need to drive away hashpower that doesn't agree with their development ideas.

$ 0.00
User's avatar btcfork
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4 years ago

I'd just like to tell people to be really careful re-posting my articles to Reddit.

Reddit admins seem to think that everyone posting from the same IP address is the same person.

This got my friend "ILoveBitcoinCash", who comes over to my house to shitpost on my Wi-Fi occasionally, to be suspended permanently.


$ 0.00
User's avatar btcfork
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4 years ago

Wow! I can understand their logic, but it's still too heavy-handed.

$ 0.05
4 years ago

So it's a linear scale! Looks like we hit red around 40, so we should be comfortable at 35% if needed.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This thermometer is patent-free.

You can take it and make one that better illustrates the amount of central planning you would like to have vs tax you would like pay :-))

$ 0.00
User's avatar btcfork
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4 years ago

It's very non-linear. Assume the recipient of the tax revenue is a miner, increasing his mining profitability compared to other miners. Because mining is a very competitive industry, a small difference in mining profitability can suffice to completely centralise mining. Not because mining strictly requires permission, but because permissionless mining is no longer economically viable.

$ 0.00
4 years ago