I'm Back!

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Written by
1 year ago

It's been a while since I last paid a visit here. It's just too many things to do in just a short time. Sometimes, I feel like 24 hours is not even enough for me. Anyway, it feels good to start writing again and sharing my everyday, boring life with you. I kind of need this so badly.

Anyway, since it's my first article for this year, I want to share with you my current status as a person and freelancer. I feel like I have so many things to talk about. I'm not sure if someone will read it, but it doesn't matter. I want to write.

So as some of you might know, I went back to freelancing again. It all started when I received an offer to write a Wikipedia page for Navaratri, a Hindu celebration. Since that offer, I realized I had missed doing a Wikipedia page. Then I received another request for a local politician, and in just eight days since the submission, the article went live without significant issues. From that moment on, I got the courage to apply for more. Indeed, that page has helped me boost my confidence. Then I received another offer, which was for a Canadian financial economist, consultant, academic, and researcher. This time, it only took five days to get the page approved.

After that, more and more offers came in! I never expected that to happen. I don't even have to apply for clients because they are the ones who sent me invitations to apply for them. So far, I have three clients for an hourly rate, two waiting for the last milestones, and four for fixed rates. Not to mention the one copywriting job from one of my Wiki clients. That's quite a lot, right? Who would have thought that I could have such?

So right now, I have two drafts that are waiting for review. It's taking forever now since I have to create the page under the AfC (Article for Creation) and not direct it to my sandbox. The sandbox is ideal for professionals who write pages with lesser issues. For people like me, paid editors, I need to create pages in AfC. The disadvantage is that I have to wait for an editor to review the draft once I submit it, which can take up to 2 months. It sucks, I know! But it's better to wait than deny that I am no paid editor. The risk is much higher because once they find out the actual score of my account, they can quickly ban me from creating pages, and that's something I can't afford to happen.

So since then, when I apply for a job or accept a job invitation, I would tell my clients about my status, so they know what to expect from me. So far, they still want to work with me even though they have to wait for up to 2 months. I even told them that they could hire someone else if they were in a hurry.

So yeah, I'm a busy girl now. I don't have time to write here because I have so many obligations out there. Oh! By the way, I also quit working for my brother. I enjoyed working there, but I got bored. Imagine working from midnight to 9 am and staying awake for extra hours to do my other work. Sleeping on the floor was another issue because it only worsened my back pain. Then here comes the annoying brother who would blame me whenever he got stressed over his two evening jobs.

Last Thursday, I asked him nicely if I could stop this week and will extend another week to train the guy he recently hired. That dude was eager to learn, but he couldn't focus on my screen because my brother would keep asking him to focus on his side. So I told my brother I would train him so they won't have issues once I was gone. My brother got mad and started kicking things in the living room. He even looked for a knife to threaten me. So from that moment on, I told myself fnck this! I will leave once I'm done with the shift.

Unfortunately, I was worried they wouldn't manage to do it without me, so I stayed. But an hour before the shift ended, he asked me again if I would still come back, and I said no. That was when he got furious and told me to stop and leave the room. I decided to pack my things, but he told me to hurry up. He even threw my stuff in the living room so he won't see my face. LOL. When my things were all in the living room, I tried to arrange them while waiting for my mom to pick me up. He then told me to leave the house, so I got no choice but to put all my belongings outside. He then locked the door and left me out.

Good thing the shift ended, and they both left the place. He didn't lock the door because someone was doing his laundry. So as soon as they left, I went inside and picked up my other stuff. Then my mom and sister-in-law came, and we went off. My brother didn't even pay my last week's pay. LOL. It's fine as long as I am now at home.

Closing thoughts

Honestly, I enjoy it here more. I mean working from home because I can sleep whenever possible. I've been sleeping at night since I came back here, and my back pain is getting better.

So yeah, that's all! I hope I can write again.

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Written by
1 year ago


Yay! She has finally made it! Congratulations to you hunny! I am glad you are back home and no longer in your brother's house. With the freedom you are currently exercising, iy gave you space to get yourself together and tada! Now you're a freelancer!

May I ask if this is Upwork freelancing??... I have an account there but till date Iost the energy to fix myself there...🥺

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much. Yeah, nice to be back as a full time freelancer again. And yes, this is Upwork. You should update your profile and start applying. It takes time, but you'll get there eventually.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm glad and happy to know that you starting to cope up with all of the things now except from your brother.. he is really so harsh on you just because you wouldn't do the things that he wanted. You both are grown up and he should not be treating you like that. Anyways, I'm glad that you were able to moved out. Just focus on the work that's coming in for you. I wish good luck and success on your chosen career as always. God bless, MJ. Be strong!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True jud. Now, chill na jud ko. Akong issue na lang akong pag umangkon kay di mahimutang ug di maka tapad naku. Hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

pa sideline ko ana imong wikipedia. grabeh ang upwork nag sige ko bayad sa Connects, wa jud koy job interview. naay interview usa pero gustog unpaid trial. haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lagi ui. Grabe jud ang bayad sa availability ai. Maka purdoy. Pa uso pud kaayo sila ana ui. Grabe na pangwarta nila. Pero buyag sa akoa kay naa man noon mu invite kaso di pud lagi tanan makuha naku. Studihi ang wiki naas youtube haron naa kay idea unsaon na.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

sige ako studyhan ning wiki. grabeh sige ko pangapply wala pa juy swerte sa akong linya.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Busy you have been. Good to see you back even if it is temporarily. Good to hear your getting some sleep. Take care and find happiness whenever you can :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you, Bob. Yeah, it feels a lot better now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

At least it all sorted now. Welcome back

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah. Thank God for that. Thank you for your advice btw.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome back sis/Maam. Hihi.. Daming ganap ah..

Anyways, ako c.e gikulbaan sa gibuhat sa imong igsuon sis uie. Basin kinahanglan na na'g psychological treatment, unsa?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wa ra siya ka uyon sis ako gibyaan kay nag salig to naku sa email. Ingon man ila boss na nice daw iya emails kay detailed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Uie.. Dili na laman jud pud diay mudiskarte ug iyaha. In the first place, dapat pa gani siya'y mu-alalay sa imoha kay siya ang maguwang.🥺

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pwede ra jud unta to muhangyo ug extend 1 week or 2 kaso nag isog isog man. Ako pa lagi dautan. Pero okay na basta kay naa naku ang computer naku kay gusto niya iya ihold ni kay naa daw siyay files diria. Mao bahalag wa ko bayari sa akong last pay basta nakauli ko.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kakulba jud sa gidulhuan naka'g kutsilyo sis/Maam uie. Kung siguro ako to ambot makuyapan guro ko's kahadlok.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome back after short interval. Hope you are enjoying your engagement. Definitely work from home giving empowerment and financial freedom to millions of people around the globe. Also giving opportunity to learn from other's experiences.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed! Been doing WFH since 2019, and I love it. I still do miss the times when I have my friends to distract me and make me laugh.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome back po. Mee too kakabalik lang din. Medyo na busy din nitong mga huling buwan ng taon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome back to us then! Busy na talaga sa ibang bagay lalo na mejo wala na akong gana sa crypto.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hay wag mawalan ng gana. Go lang tayo ng go friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My brother got mad and started kicking things in the living room. He even looked for a knife to threaten me.

As in sis? Niabot gyud ana nga level? Grabe sab. Naa tingali nay anger management issues imong kuya sis. Kuyaw oy.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Murag jud. Sa ako ra man sad siya in-ana kay dali ra man siya kasayon sayon naku. Gabii nianhi sa amua. Aw wa me nag tagad ui.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

its nice to see you again fr seeing your post here even your are too much busy to do other things but still you had a time to write again an article and im looking forward for you for more.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much. I hope I can start writing again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is nice you went from casual hobby writer to almost professional one congrats you deserve it.

But changing the subject are you still invested in BCH as a whole, are you still participating in SmartBCH? and if you could what other cryptocurrencies projects are you involved in?

I am just curious since I know you have been around for a long time.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I got hacked last year. SmartBCH has zeroed out on my investments. Almost 6BCH was stolen from me. :( Not invested anymore in BCH and in any crypto. I still have them but i just considered them as 0. Not expecting anymore.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Aren't you going back to SmartBCH even when it is at some projects at least 90% down?

$ 0.00
1 year ago