Why are women so emotional?

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2 years ago

It is said that women are always more emotional.So what do you think about it?
I want to give you some information.

Left and Right Brain:

Men and women are structured differently, so the brains of men and women also work differently. Women tend to use both the right and left sides of their brains, while men tend to use the left hemisphere of their brains. The left side of our brain is responsible for logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, while the right side of our brain is responsible for prosodic language functions, creativity, face detection and expressing our emotions. Therefore, while the left side of our brain is responsible for IQ (logical intelligence), the right side of our brain is responsible for EQ (emotional intelligence). Since men tend to use the left side of their brain, they are more effective in solving situations that require rationality and logical thinking. Because women can use both sides of their brains equally, they are more effective in solving creative and emotional problems. In addition, the right side of our brain is responsible for expressing our emotions, thoughts and language ability. For this reason, it is thought that women are more effective in language learning and creativity.

To express yourself:

Women have a more developed limbic system. The limbic system deals with human aspects such as behavior, emotions, and memory. The limbic system enables better understanding and expression of emotions and thoughts and easier bonding with others. However, the problem with this is that it predisposes to depression due to hormonal changes, especially during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. In other words, excessive emotionality and pessimism can be seen in women during these periods.

Coping with Stress:

Women's ways of coping with stress are also different from men's. When a person is under stress, a hormone called oxytocin is released. These hormones work differently in men and women. When men are stressed, the hormones testosterone reduce their oxytocin levels, which makes men aggressive and angry. Estrogen in women, on the other hand, increases the oxytocin level and increases the calmness and maternal instinct. Men are not good at expressing their feelings and thoughts, instead they may react angrily or aggressively. They are always ready to fight instead of solving their problems by talking. On the contrary, women tend to solve their problems by talking to others until they feel comfortable.

Physical Differences:

Women feel their emotions differently and more often than men. They may get very emotional and cry, especially during PMS periods or during pregnancy. Many changes occur in a woman's body every month, and during these periods even normal matters seem like a task. Men undergo changes of relatively less intensity and are not easily emotional.

Social Perception:

Another factor is that men are taught from an early age to be tough. For this reason, when a man is sad and wants to cry in the face of a bad event, he restrains himself. This is because of society's perception of how men should be and how they should behave. Men are emotional too, but they cannot express it.

Men and women are constantly compared and judged, but men and women are created differently and have different inclinations. The important thing is to understand that although men and women are very different from each other, they are inseparable, which will help you understand that problems or differences between the sexes can only be resolved by mutual understanding. We need to be respectful of who we are and our differences.

It is very important for both sexes to understand why women are emotional. Knowing yourself will help women overcome depression and emotional changes. For men, it will help them understand that it is normal and natural for a woman to be emotional.

Men and Men Mental Structure Differences

The woman adopts the emotion, the man adopts the knowledge.

When solving problems, men focus on the result, not the how. Women, on the other hand, focus on the causes of the problem.

While men have the ability to produce many words, women are successful at adding meaning to words.

The man chooses what to do and the woman how to do it.

In visual perception, men perceive the useful part, women perceive the aesthetic part.

Female and Male Emotional Differences

Crying woman feelings,

Male shows angry. It has been observed that men who are very angry are depressed.

Feminine sensuality as romance,

Men perceive it as eroticism.

What a woman cares about in a relationship is that she is listened to and understood. Women relax by sharing their feelings,

A man is happy when he is talented and strong and when it is felt from the other side.

Man seeks happiness in success and result,

On the other hand, women seek in sharing, valuing and being valued.

The man does not want to be led by the woman. This makes him feel incomplete and powerless. 

Women, on the other hand, perceive helping and supporting as an expression of love.

When a man encounters a problem, he becomes silent, does not want to talk and finds a solution within himself.

The woman tries to relax by telling her problems.

The important thing for a woman is to pour out her heart.

While the male makes less eye contact, the female attaches importance to eye contact.

For men, it's about achieving results.

Men want to be needed. He is attracted to the woman he feels he needs, and he feels stronger and more energetic.

A woman gets stronger when she feels loved.

All connections with the environment reveal the difference in emotional and mental structure between men and women. Objects that stand out in a space, permanence in memory, language and scent differences also affect gender orientation differences.

men; While they are more effective in chess, perspective vision, recognizing objects, and mental math calculations, they are more distracted than women.

Women; foreign language is good at seeing the whole better in the picture. Has a long attention span and is more interested in faces and people.

As a result of the studies, it has been revealed that women's memories are stronger than men's and that they remember events more quickly.

Especially in adolescence, gender differences are observed more clearly in individuals who try to recognize and prove themselves. Men with an analytical and exploratory mindset want to learn by exploring without help. The judges who are more successful in recognizing people can reach the result by empathizing. In this period, while men try to reveal their leadership aspects, they form groups and may try to be the leader of that group. In girls, it was observed that the groups formed were more distant from solidarity and leadership and were closer to each other. Boys agree with orders and sanctions, while girls agree through debate.

Unlike men, who try to show their defense with violence and fighting, girls try to express themselves through emotional bonds and conversations away from fighting environments.

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