Illusion - Iluzija !!!

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4 years ago

Da li verujete u reinkarnaciju? Evo jedne kratke zanimljive price.

Gospodin Marić svakodnevno je posećivao grob svoje preminule voljene supruge. Kupio bi cvece i ostao malo na grobu a onda se vracao svakodnevnom zivotu. Jednog dana vracajuci se sa groblja prisla mu je jedna zena , prosjakinja i zamolila za pomoc. Gospodin Maric joj je dao novcanicu i pitao je od cega zivi. Mlada prosjakinja mu je odgovorila da nema nikoga i da zivi na ulici. Gospodin Maric je upitao da li bi zelela da zivi kod njega. Ona je pristala i otisli su njegovoj kuci. Ime prosjakinje je bilo Suncica. Gospodin Maric je Suncici dao sobu svoje pokojne zene , dozvolio joj je i da obuce njenu garderobu. Kada se Suncica pojavila onako okupana i doterana sa haljinom njegove supruge on je primetio da ona mnogo lici na pokojnu suprugu.

Gospodin Maric gleda album i pocinje da veruje u reinkarnaciju. Suncica je kuvala isto ko i njegova supruga cak je i rucak servirala isto. Svi su primetili kako je on sada srecan i zadovoljan. Kupovao je Suncici skupe poklone, vodio u pozoristu i na razna okupljanja. Suncica je bila neizmerno srecna i zahvalna. Na prijemima mladi ljudi su se udvarali Suncici, no Maric nije bio ljubomoran, voleo da Suncica bude srecna.Vodio je Suncicu na putovanjima, pruzio joj sve ono sto nije svojoj pokojnoj zeni.

Jednog dana Suncica je donela kafu i sela do svog gospodina rekla mu da je neizmerno zahvalna za sve sto je ucinio za nju, ali da mora da ode jer ovo nije zivot za mladu devojku poput nje. Rekla je da je upoznala muskarca koga je zavolela. Maric je najpre molio devojku da ostane, a onda se setio kako je molio i suprugu da ne umre. Znao je da se sudbina mora ispostovati i da je ovo bila samo kratka iluzija. Ponovo je odneo cvece na grob svoje zene , zagrlio spomenik i rekao da zna da je to bio njen duh u liku Suncice. Zahvalio joj za to malo srece u vidu iluzije


Do you believe in reincarnation? Here is one short interesting story. Mr. Maric visited the grave of his late beloved wife every day. He would buy flowers and stay a little at the grave and then return to everyday life. One day, returning from the cemetery, a woman, a beggar, approached him and asked for help. Mr. Maric gave her a bill and asked her what she lived on. The young beggar replied that there was no one and that she lived on the street. Mr. Maric asked if she would like to live with him. She agreed and they went to his house. The beggar's name was Suncica. Mr. Maric gave Suncica his late wife's room and allowed her to put on her wardrobe. When Suncica appeared, bathed and dressed in his wife's dress, he noticed that she looked a lot like her late wife.

Mr. Maric watches the album and begins to believe in reincarnation. Suncica cooked the same as his wife and even served lunch the same. Everyone noticed how happy and satisfied he was now. He bought Suncici expensive gifts, took him to the theater and to various gatherings. Suncica was immensely happy and grateful. At the receptions, young people courted Suncica, but Maric was not jealous, he liked Suncica to be happy. He took Suncica on trips, gave her everything that was not for his late wife.
One day Suncica brought coffee and sat down next to her master and told him that she was immensely grateful for everything he had done for her, but that she had to leave because this was not life for a young girl like her. She said she met a man she fell in love with. Maric first begged the girl to stay, and then he remembered how he begged his wife not to die. He knew that destiny must be respected and that this was only a brief illusion. He took the flowers to his wife's grave again, hugged the monument and said he knew it was her spirit in the form of the Sun. He thanked her for that little bit of luck in the form of an illusion

$ 0.47
$ 0.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @milanlukic
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4 years ago


Svakako mislim da jeste iluzija i da reinkarnacija ne postoji. Prava pouka ove price je to da je trebao ugadjati svojoj zeni za vreme njenog zivota. A ne posle da se iskupljuje pruzajuci stvari i putovanja drugoj zeni. Iluzijom je smirio sebi savest. Tako da, pruzite ljudima koje volite dok su zivi. To je jedina sansa da ucinite nesto za njih

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tako je, shvatila si pouku price

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ja ne verujem u reinkarnacju, a da su dvojnici svuda oko nas to jeste cinjenica jednostavna matematika dokazuje da je to sasvim izvesno e sad samo je pitanje da li je taj neko pored nas ili toliko daleko da ga nikad ne sretnemo

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ne verujem u reinkarnaciju.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Reincarnation or rebirth (lat. Re-incarnatio - "reincarnation") is the belief in the return of the soul to the earthly body.

According to this teaching, man is reborn after death, that is, his spirit is transferred to some new being or person. Thus, there is a continuous life, that is, the immortality of the soul. In the variants of this teaching, the soul spends some time in the other world after death, before it descends to Earth again to unite with one new human being.

Understanding of life as a cyclical process, ie. the passage of the soul through various bodies is performed in many ancient peoples on the basis of the occurrence of birth and death, and the transmission of family characteristics in children. The term very similar to reincarnation is metempsychosis, with the only difference that the soul can move into different animals and plants.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Da li verujete u reinkarnaciju? Iskreno, ne verujem

$ 0.00
4 years ago

a beautiful story, she didn't have to leave him.

$ 0.00
4 years ago