Tomato is a favorite summer salad of many. Juicy, refreshing red fruit full of lycopene is loved by almost everyone and is considered a safe and very healthy food, but tomatoes can actually have some bad side effects.
Gastric reflux
Tomato is a very acidic food and can therefore cause heartburn in people suffering from gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux. Even if you are healthy and do not suffer from these stomach problems, if you eat a lot of tomatoes or tomato sauce, you can also experience these unpleasant symptoms.
2. Joint pain
Believe it or not, too many tomatoes in the diet can cause joint pain! The reason is an alkaloid called solanine, which builds calcium in the tissues, and there is a lot of it in tomatoes. Too much calcium in the tissues can cause inflammation, pain and swelling in the joints.
3. Kidney problems
And this has to do with calcium storage. Tomatoes are also rich in oxalate, a substance that is difficult to metabolize when taken too much, and this can result in the formation of kidney stones. Red juicy fruit also contains a lot of potassium, which can also affect kidney function. If you already have some kidney problems, be especially careful!
Allergic reactions
Paradise contains the compound histamine, which helps the immune system fight viruses and bacteria. You would not believe how common an allergic reaction to histamine-induced primrose is in common, and it usually occurs in the form of a rash or swelling on the tongue, with some other unpleasant symptoms. People who have been diagnosed with a tomato allergy feel much more difficult.
5. Nervous bowel syndrome
If you suffer from nervous bowel syndrome, tomatoes can be a trigger for symptoms such as diarrhea, painful cramps, bloating, gas and constipation. In this case, it is better to stay away from sour foods such as tomatoes.c
6. Urinary problems
Foods high in acid, such as tomatoes, can irritate the bladder. If you suffer from urinary incontinence or are prone to other urinary problems, it is best to avoid acidic foods. Cooking tomatoes will also not help you in this case, because tomato sauce and ketchup are even worse choices.
Ostali nazivi: rajčica, pomidor; engleski naziv: tomato; njemački naziv: tomate; latinski naziv: solanum lycopersicum.
Još jedan narodni naslov koji krasi ovu fantastičnu namirnicu je „Rajsko voće“. „Rajsko“ jer je izvrsnog okusa i nutritivno bogatog sastava, a „voće“ jer spada u voće, iako se najčešće smatra povrćem. Šećer, jedan od njegovih sastojaka je zaslužan za ovu kategorizaciju. Paradajz je definitivno omiljeni sastojak mnoštva salata. Interesantan je veliki broj njegovih upotreba. Od paradajza se pravi izvrstan paradajz sos koji je sjajan dodatak gotovo svakom jelu. Veoma je popularan i kao kečap, ali koji ipak, osim u domaćim varijantama, nije zdrav, zbog velike količine šećera koji se dodaje. Većina najpoznatijih jela, poput paradajz čorbe, hranjiva su i korisna. Koristi se i za turšiju, kao i za ajvar. Paradajz se može jesti i svež, kuvan, pečen ili čak sušen. Veoma je ukusan i na roštilju.