The importance of water for our body
Date 19 September 2022
Most people really underestimate to drink water in everyday life. Behind the simplicity of its appearance, water is not only useful for preventing body dehydration, but also has various other advantages. Other types of drinks, such as soft drinks, are high in sugar and calories so they can increase your weight.
Energy drinks are often chosen as a source of fluid should also be considered because they contain sugar and caffeine. Similarly, when drinking packaged fruit juice, always pay attention to the product label first.
But for packaged drinks, the average content of salt and sugar is high, even though the drink is low fat.
In a day there is also a normal dose so that we still do not lack fluids. The fluid needs of each person are also different, on average adult women are advised to drink at least 1.6 liters of water per day while for adult men it is at least 2 liters per day.
Some of the signs that you are dehydrated are:
Urine color is not clear
Feeling less energy
Eyes look red And others
No less important and need to be considered are special conditions and activities that make the body need more fluid intake than usual water intake, including:
After exercising or being physically active
Having a fever
Hot weather
Pregnant or lactating women are also advised to drink more than 1.6 liters of water per day to 2.3 liters a day, if more it is also better.
In addition, drinking water can also increase our concentration to stay focused. So for those of you who are working and attending school, it is advisable to always bring water to maintain your concentration in these activities.
If all this time you are not aware of the benefits of drinking water, there are some tips that can be done. Try to get used to drinking water every meal or while eating snacks. In addition, you can put a glass or bottle filled with drinking water on the table or bag that you carry with you every day. Thus, you will remember to consume it.
Alternatively, you can add flavor to plain water to make it taste better. One of them is by adding fruit slices such as in infused water drinks or by providing fresh fruit juices without additional sweeteners. Adequate fluids are important for the body.
One of the best sources comes from water with various benefits. Drink water as needed so that the body's health condition remains optimal. So stay hydrated.
Thanks for reading.
That's why water is really important to our body my friend. We should hydrated. I remember when I experienced dehydrated the nurses of the school brought me immediately to the emergency room hospital.