"Problems knocked on the door ... but they heard laughter and ran away!" Benjamin Franklin
"A smile costs us nothing, but it works wonders. It does not impoverish the one who gives it and enriches the one for whom it is intended." Unknown author
"If I had to die, I'd like to die laughing." Zvonimir Drvar
"A day when we don't laugh at least once is a lost day." Louis de Chamfort
"He who smiles instead of rages is always stronger." Japanese proverbs
"Whoever laughs at a bad joke is capable of other crimes as well." Walter Fink
"Laughter is like a stimulant, without it we quickly fall into a stupor." Božidar Eržen
"Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Cry and you will cry alone." Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"Laughter is the key to getting to know a man." Unknown author
"Relaxed laughter is the spice of life." Božidar Eržen
"I force myself to laugh at everything because I'm afraid I would have to cry." Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
"Problemi su pokucali na vrata ... ali čuli su smijeh i pobjegli!" Benjamin Franklin
"Osmijeh nas ne košta ništa, ali čini čuda. Ne osiromašuje onoga koji ga daruje i obogaćuje onoga kome je namijenjen." Nepoznati autor
"Da moram umrijeti, volio bih umrijeti od smijeha." Zvonimir Drvar
"Dan kada se ne nasmijemo barem jedanput je izgubljeni dan." Louis de Chamfort
"Tko se smiješi umjesto bijesa, uvijek je jači." Japanske poslovice
"Tko se smije nekoj šali, sposoban je i za druge zločine." Walter Fink
"Smijeh je poput stimulansa, bez njega brzo upadamo u stupor." Božidar Eržen
"Smijte se i svijet će se smijati s vama. Plačite i plakat ćete sami." Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"Smijeh je ključ za upoznavanje čovjeka." Nepoznati autor
"Opušteni smijeh je začin života." Božidar Eržen
"Prisiljavam se da se smijem svemu jer se bojim da bih morao plakati." Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Very beautiful and true quotes about laughter. Laughter really works wonders. People who laugh are much healthier and live longer than those who frown, who are bothered by everything and who are not satisfied with anything. Every day without laughter is a lost day is also my opinion and that is why I often laugh and look for reasons for it.