Invent a mirror that detects the flu

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4 years ago

It works with the help of infrared rays

The Japanese company NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has produced a very special thermal mirror that measures an individual's temperature and at the same time detects potential flu infections. The temperature is measured in a similar way as with a classic thermometer - on the surface of the skin, but the solution with a thermal mirror is much more hygienic, as it does not actually require any physical contact with the device. A person who wants to measure their body temperature simply lowers their forehead towards the thermal mirror. This measures the temperature with the help of infrared rays at only one point, usually this forehead, and uses certain signal lights that indicate a person’s health. The temperature level is then displayed on the screen and at the same time warns of the possibility that the individual is infected with a virus in which fever is present.

The mirror will be practical mainly at airports

The mirror, which sells for just under a thousand euros, will make work and costs easier, especially for airlines that are trying to use current technology to prevent all those passengers infected with the flu or other infectious diseases from traveling to a perfectly ideal environment for the spread of viruses. The current technology of thermographic cameras is more expensive and time-consuming, so new thermal mirrors that measure temperature could help a lot in detecting passengers infected with the flu. In addition, mirrors are also said to be used in schools, hospitals and other public institutions.

NEC Avio expects to sell over five thousand mirrors this year, which measure temperature and at the same time warn of the possibility of influenza infection.

Ogledalo . koje meri temperaturo

Djeluje uz pomoć infracrvenih zraka

Japanska tvrtka NEC Avio Infrared Technologies proizvela je vrlo posebno termalno ogledalo koje mjeri temperaturu pojedinca i istodobno otkriva potencijalne infekcije gripe. Temperatura se mjeri na sličan način kao kod klasičnog termometra - na površini kože, ali otopina s termalnim zrcalom puno je higijenskija, jer zapravo ne zahtijeva nikakav fizički kontakt s uređajem. Osoba koja želi izmjeriti tjelesnu temperaturu jednostavno spusti čelo prema termalnom zrcalu. Ovim se mjeri temperatura uz pomoć infracrvenih zraka u samo jednoj točki, obično na ovom čelu, i koriste se određena signalna svjetla koja ukazuju na zdravlje osobe. Razina temperature tada se prikazuje na ekranu i istodobno upozorava na mogućnost da je pojedinac zaražen virusom u kojem je prisutna vrućica.

Zrcalo, koje se prodaje za nešto manje od tisuću eura, olakšat će rad i troškove, posebno zrakoplovnim kompanijama koje pokušavaju uporabiti trenutnu tehnologiju kako bi spriječile sve putnike zaražene gripom ili drugim zaraznim bolestima da putuju u savršeno idealno okruženje za širenje virusa. Trenutna tehnologija termografskih kamera skuplja je i dugotrajna, pa bi nova termalna ogledala koja mjere temperaturu mogla puno pomoći u otkrivanju putnika zaraženih gripom. Uz to, kaže se da se zrcala koriste i u školama, bolnicama i drugim javnim ustanovama.

NEC Avio ove godine očekuje prodaju preko pet tisuća zrcala koja mjere temperaturu i istodobno upozoravaju na mogućnost zaraze gripom.

$ 1.03
$ 1.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for apela
Written by
4 years ago


ja kad vidim ove toplomere,imam osecaj kao da mi pistolj uperi u celo

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahaha nasmijala si me sada

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Roby voli ogledala. Zrca se u zrcalima.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

neka neka on zbog mene može nonstop da mjeri temperaturu

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hm veoma zanimljivo samo realno ne znam koliko ce naci mesta u svakodnevnoj prici posto su bezkontaktni termometri monogo povoljniji

$ 0.00
4 years ago

neznam...bezkontaktnom mo ra upravljat osoba....a tu netreba

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Interesting information, I have not heard of this mirror so far.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The Japanese company NEC Avio Infrared Technologies

ovi japanci su opasni

$ 0.00
4 years ago

kaj se bodo še vse spomnil hahah......najboljš je da nič ne veš

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ogledalce, ogledalce moje, reci mi temperatura koja je? :D :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Svaka čast Japancima svakakva čuda će smisliti!Pa i ovo ogledalo!

$ 0.00
4 years ago