Most of the people defines beauty through its physical appearance. Some tend to imitate someone's or any of their favorite artists' features like faces, body shapes, etc. There are some who are willing to spend or even loan thousands and millions to have a perfect face, to look like their favorite model or their favorite artists. They experiment different cosmetics to achieve the beauty they want to have. But, cosmetics isn't bad to anyone as long as it will match yourself.
But what is your standard when you heard real beauty? Is it still the physical appearance of a human being? Is it the perfect body shape? For me, I think kindness defines the real beauty. You may not be as flawless or as sexy as anyone, but being kind will help you develop yourself even more. It leaves a good impression to anyone. Sharing and caring are examples of the characteristics of kindness.
Some might be beautiful outside, but different inside. Isn't it more important to have good intentions rather than perfect shape, perfect face? We all can be pretty in our own ways, in our own standard. So for all who are telling how unpretty you are, ignore them. And tell yourself everyday how beautiful and great person you are. Everyone is beautiful, always remember that! You don't need to imitate someone's or change some features on your face unless it is advisable by professionals. You just have to accept and appreciate yourself. Society might discourage you, but don't bother too much. Instead, chin up and bring out your best smile. Oh, smile will make you look brighter and glowing! So, love yourself even more, remember you will always be perfectly beautiful inside and out! You are pretty and a wonderful person!
Faces beauty always dosn't matter...Honest people is the best people in the wold