Why Do Good People Die

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3 years ago

Since we were children, we always believed that we must always do good things so God will bless us. The truth is we’re all going to die. But why do some of the best people we know have to die so early? I mean, let’s be honest, there are tons of corrupt people out there but why them?

They helped more people than us. They established and helped several charities at their young age. They did many good things than us. But why?

I remember watching the movie “Pandora” which is about the nuclear plant disaster caused by the incompetence of the higher officials but the ones who suffered are the brave young workers from the plant who sacrificed their lives. But why? I know it's their job to fix the plant but still, why them?

Imagine two cars. One passenger is a pregnant woman and on the other car, a man with a criminal record resides. The two cars collided. Both the pregnant woman and her baby from her womb died but the criminal lives. It’s unfair, right? But why?

Then I remember our teacher’s story about the two angels arguing in heaven. They’re arguing because of a special new soul. The angel debated that this pure soul must reside in heaven at all costs. That soul must be protected from the harm and ugliness of the other world.

The other angel replied that the soul must reside on Earth. That’s the reason, he’s pure and is glowing of holiness – which must be shared with the other world. Imagine getting light from darkness!

Then God stepped in. He said that this pure soul will surely bring joyfulness and love to the other world. Moreover, heaven would be delighted to meet such a beautiful soul.

Thus, He finally said His decision, “Though he must leave us and go down to earth, it will not be long before he will return to us. His sojourn on earth will be brief. Such a brilliant soul will not need long to fulfill her mission. He must also be protected from the evil that will come. Soon he will be free to come back to heaven."

Both of the angels agreed and said, “Every day that he is on earth is a blessing."


We know someone in our mind that such good persons exist that eventually went to heaven sooner. It’s really a major shock for everyone. But please remember that God knows what’s better.


We can plan for our future but we don’t have the luxury to know our time in this world. So let’s just be thankful every day.

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3 years ago


Good people die first becuase they accomplished their mission here in land and the god take them.

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3 years ago

I think, maybe that's because they finished their mission here.

maybe the Lord gives the wicked an opportunity to change their lives

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3 years ago

Actually all creations of God will die either bad or good and the length of stay here on earth differ from each other. Each life has already been written in the book and only God knows our stay here on earth. We can just ask a favor for good health and long stay here but the decision is in Him. Just as you say let us be thankful for this life, for life is beautiful and the world is beautiful to live in. God bless.

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3 years ago

Thrue talk

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3 years ago

I don’t think there is any clear cut reason. Not only good people die young, but there’s a certain shock when someone who was so kind and good is suddenly gone from this world. It may be saddening, unjust, and unfortunate. But good people die young because I believe they had done so much good, they don’t have much to learn from life anymore and their journey is finally over. So let's just enjoy life to the fullest. Thanks for sharing! Good day!

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3 years ago

It's just psychological matter. Many good and bad people die very young. But good people leave that impact in you because of their good acts, helping others, etc... When they die young, they leave the feeling of life isn't fair and such. However, when it's a bad person, he/she won't be missed, quite the opposite actually. That's just my openion tho.

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3 years ago

Nice one

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3 years ago

Because good people come in world for a goos purpose which are send by God. Rest are come in world for correct there mistakes which one they did in last life

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3 years ago

Yes we all come here for a purpose and everything has a reason. Thanks for sharing!

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3 years ago

All have fair share of good and bad things happening in their life....

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3 years ago

I agree Sir. We just have different time clocks for good and bad things experiences.

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3 years ago

"The signs are there, you just need to know how to read them." You must have wondered many times in your life why me. Why do things like this happen to me? Why am I the target of people who deceive me, why do intrusive people tease me and ask for my services and the like? Over and over again, things happen to us that very often we do not have a clear explanation for. We get poorly paid jobs, we meet narcissistic partners… sometimes the events in our lives just go downhill. Each of us may remember a bad period or maybe we are going through a bad period now. Working with people and thinking about this topic, I would gather some insights.

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3 years ago

At some point we will really feel devastated and hopeless. But there will still be instances that we will learn through it and grow stronger. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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3 years ago

When God choose to get the life of the one who have a good soul than the one who are bad. It means that He is excited to embrace the good soul and give another chance to the bad soul to live a good life in this world. Cause that's one of His way to make us feel His love and to learn and live a good life. He is always giving us another chance to do the right things. ❤

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3 years ago

That's a beautiful way of saying it. God really knows what's best for everyone. Thank you for commenting your thoughts!

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3 years ago

Agreee welcomeee ❤

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3 years ago

Thats true, once we are alive and have good deeds, we dont need to worry because we are have a place in heaven, but criminals hasn't.

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3 years ago

Love that punchline "criminal's hasn't" 😂 added to my dictionary.

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3 years ago

Because no one can says when we will all die. Even if it is bad or good person. When God Father want to take you, he will take you.😊 just my opinion

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3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your opinion. Yes, no one can really say what will happen to us. I also believe that He always has reasons for everything :)

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3 years ago