Survival of the fittest- a dead end race

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4 years ago

When I see around I see a survival for the fittest race going on all around the world between countries. Every country is racing towards means to economic prosperity and power that is to be achieved now and that will assuredly continue in future also. This was happening even in the times of kings and queens and is even happening now. The nature and scale of it is just changing. With the industrial and technological advancement and the more dependence on materialistic living, individual and countries are all the more busy to achieve it.

In this race we have started taxing the earth, forgetting that the more we tax it the less it will give its output. To make us strong we are making the mother earth weak. We are forgetting that if the base is weak then it will not support the structure.

We all know the problems and discuss it sometimes with our friends and families over a cup of tea also, but that’s it, our concern ends with that cup of tea.

Over our head is the climate change due to excessive pollution and toxicity. On the ground is the excessive deforestation to accommodate our rising population and increasing industrialization. Below us is the excessive extraction of fossil fuel and water again to sustain an ever increasing population, industrialization and material comfort. We all know so I won’t go into further details.

Now it is as if almost accepted that we can pursue for economic prosperity at the expense of our mother earth and other societies. We are the lords and we can do anything we want. Its one life and whatever has to be gained, has to be gained now. The aim should be to strive to improve our own lives as well as others and also leave a better place for the future generations to come.

We have missed an important point that we need an approach for shared living. Our concept of shared living is maximum limited to our country and beyond that we are simply not bothered. We forget that if this shared living is not across the whole world, no one will ever be able to live in peace. In a shorter perspective it may sustain but on a longer context it will not sustain. Because the less fortunate man will not let the more fortunate man live in peace.

The resources of the earth are abundant but still limited. It is sustaining our whims and fancies for quite some time but there is limit to it. When the resources will end then the base will become weak and the people will start falling over each other in the form of war and aggression to control whatever is left of those resources.

Unless we switch our focus towards collective world level prosperity with a limit to our whims and fancies then the present model is not going to sustain for long. Before the earth tries to remind us that it is the supreme, its better we understand that we are fully dependent on it and are nothing without it.

From our birth we are connected to this world and everyone has an equal right as a human being. When we disregard this then we are basically disregarding the basic concept of humanity and existence. We have the capability to create a global solidarity but at present we are not willing to.

As of now we are just waiting for a stern warning from the earth to mend our ways.

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4 years ago


Thank you @Telesfor sir.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you @Dolores.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your drawing says it all. Humanity is headed for disaster. Overpopulation, overuse of resources. It's clear that it can't go on like this, yet little and basically nothing changes. But Earth is very old, it has seen many species extinctions. Homo sapiens is just one species among many.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think one the problem is our way of thinking that we have to achieve everything within our life span. The more benefit I can extract the better for me. Our life span is too short compared to earths but our requirements a getting bigger. Immediate gratification of our senses is our priority, and this mind set is both at individual level and national level.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I do not think that the immediate satisfaction of our senses is the biggest problem. If we are hungry, we must eat; if we are thirsty, we must drink. This is normal and right. So do all species. The problem is that humans can't find a limit and always want more. An animal takes only as much from nature as it needs to survive, man takes much, much more. Most people function in such a way that they always want more, no matter what they have. The whole economy is also based on this and also stimulates behaviour. The government says "It is good to always want more, because this strengthens the economy". It's a vicious circle.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your interpretation is right. we demand more than what we require.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Another masterpiece from you, liked your insights on such topics very much.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thank you

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4 years ago


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4 years ago