Rulers won't change, it's better to gain economic freedom alone

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2 years ago

Disclaimer: This article was published months back when the scenario of COVID-19 was massive nightmare in my country, but recently I saw the same thing happening, this time not related with the pandemic disease but with the comportment of rulers. They still use lethal force, steal people's right all in the name of the state, the same one that use people money to feed them. Hope to see your comments below and let's hope this errant behavior of the state get better for the sake of people.


Recently I was sitting watching TV when passed a news in a 'private' national channel saying that the Vaccines for the immunization of COVID-19 had arrived, but that the Government was not saying or even spreading the news because they were still waiting for donations to come, the vaccine donated by partners abroad. The vaccine arrived was an order made by the state, but that order would have 'people' to which it would be destined.

Wasn't for the people in general, but for governors, presidency workers, ministers, medical personnel (this is understood as they are the first on the front line in the fight against pandemics and other calamities), direct children of people in power etc and never for the riffraff, the general population.

Rulers will never change

Right after the independence in many African countries, the people who came to rule only aspired one thing, to dominate the people. When they achieved the feat they began to 'enslave' the people in a modern way and assuming a posture of effective corruption in the system of governance, everything can be sold by the state, but not for the benefit of the people but for those in power. .

While in countries of origin the health, banking, employment and professional and academic training system is deficient, the children of government officials have the luxury of studying abroad and having the best education that money can afford to pay. They pocket several thousand of dollars and never invest in their countries but abroad.

They take investments to Dubai, France, the united states etc 'forgetting' their home domains where hospitals are needed, schools needed, jobs are in short supply their countries 'and enriching those who are already far more than self-sufficient'.

Anyone who thinks they're worried about it are mistaken, after all they can afford to pay for those luxuries abroad with public money in a corrupt world we're used to.

This errant behavior will only continue.

Unfortunately this behavior of the rulers will not change, they fight to ensure that it stays that way and stay in power for several years in an authoritarian way even if they say 'elections' are free and fair, there is nothing fair or free on them, every 5 years there are elections and a great robbery in the ballot boxes so that they remain in power and continue to mock their people.

For me, it never made sense for the same party, for example, to stay in power while we see truly democratic nations making a rotating system of governance and that does bring change and bring a better life to the people who live in those countries.

Speaking particularly, I have nothing to do with the immunization vaccine and neither I or my family are willing to take it at the moment, after all we can choose, but that is not the point here. It's looking and realizing that the men who have been chosen to govern the 28 million people of my country simply neglect public health so obviously and grossly. They don't care if people die or starve, after all they have the means to ensure that their children and immediate family members have a life without problems or restrictions.

Now what to do

The best thing to do now is to accept the situation and fight as we can, there's not much to do after all we can't just start a rebellion and demand that the rulers change their minds overnight, that could be very painful. I've seen people taken bullets just because they decided to go out into the street to demand what is rightfully theirs. Workers who demanded better living conditions were given a beating by the police and were forced to spend days imprisoned in total lack of respect for the protest law, do you know what they claimed?! That the demonstration went to strike and this was prohibited even by law 🤷

Well, my form of protest is to ensure that I don't need the government too much, that I don't need to use banks to keep my money or any other type of value, in fact they make money when I do that. I started to adopt my own banking system and use Bitcoin Cash to pay everything I can get using only cryptocurrencies.

Using Bitcoin Cash as a liberation Tool

I know I can't be completely be free in my country, the rulers don't give that space and I can't protest alone even though I'm witnessing dire situations, what I can do is use libertarianism as a solution. Get out of the government sleeves and go my own way and Bitcoin Cash can give me that.

One of the ways of freedom is that I can use my money however I want, bet on something that works for me the way I want and Bitcoin Cash works that way for me. When I use Bitcoin Cash to pay for my products or collaborators I feel the freedom and feat that it gives me and honestly for a moment I don't remember scenarios that haunt me in my daily life.

While in many parts of the world people don't have to worry about the government and its arbitrary decisions here we deal with them daily and honestly if I depended on them I would already be living either on the street or starving. They don't care about the people.

Bitcoin Cash has become a nation for me, a haven where I don't have to worry about everyday problems and the community has also become my global family, I spend more time in it and I don't have to put up with problems caused by the lack of respect that the government has with its people, which guarantees that they can pay for their luxuries and all they ask for is a favorable living condition, is that too much to ask?

One last thought

As you can see, I am disappointed with the government's attitude, here in my country people are dying in earnest in this new wave of COVID-19 and what I could see is that the state itself is not striving to end it in a way correct, because corruption is on the rise. The president of the nation he even tries to do something but is surrounded by a bunch of 'predators' who just want to devour their prey without even thinking about the consequences that would come.

They will never change, and the solution to fight this is to take refuge by doing something else, not much is expected from the government and I prefer to stay connected to the Bitcoin Cash community that only makes it. The spirit of libertarianism is here with me, using Bitcoin Cash I guarantee that I will never again need to depend on the government for anything and they better not expect too much from me.

Now I understand why many people leave their countries of origin and go to live in other regions favorable to their 'modus vivendi' and to do this, there were more than enough reasons to take this into account, as they realized that their countries would never change theirs people and resources management policy.


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2 years ago


That's exactly what is going on, which the ruling system in Africa is very bad are they are not even ready to change from their wicked ways. Sometimes people would say that the became a citizen of Africa by mistakes so when ever they are opportune to travel out to another country the refuse coming back again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Does why even Putin said: Africa should first solve problems of starvation and conflits before giving their opinion about war in Ukraine!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really the truth part f it all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true, rulers are only concerned with their personal means,they never care for the common man. So we need to do personal effort to secure our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes and that is something people should start now and grab a much they can to prepare a great future ahead

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't know you were African... Which country?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am African from Mozambique a beautiful country in Southern Africa

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm, you said well dear friend. The major problem we are facing in Africa is majorly causes by the selfish aims of the leaders. Hence, financial freedom is a decision each and everyone will have independent of the government.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Unfortunately that is the behavior of our leaders in Africa but each one of us should take steps to be free and step by step free up from the hands of the state and there's no better way to do that than keeping cash in BCH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

comparto tu opinión, existe muchas oportunidades las personas no se pueden poner a pensar que los gobernantes van a ser honestos y dar oportunidades de empleo, hay que ser inteligente y tener planes y planificar metas para progresar.

$ 0.00
2 years ago