I will spend the 1st of May using Bitcoin Cash, I am my own bank

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3 years ago

Two and a half years ago, properly on the 30th of April, I lost my formal job, my employer decided at the last minute to cut the number of employees due to ''organizational'' issues, as they mentioned in time, regardless of the implications of the same dismissal. would have in these people's lives. It was a big surprise for me, as I considered my job and my role in the company to be very important and did the same very well and with an above average dedication.

...but regardless of all the effort and dedication to it, I discovered that for my former company I was no longer a simple product and my role could be carried out by someone else.

Weird was to realize this, because I had dedicated a good part of my time in favor of the company and from day to night I lost everything and stayed with a hand behind like many of my brothers who are also unemployed. But, it didn't stop me!


No man should pass on this, but sometimes it strength anyone 👌

...of course, after all, before I was an employee I was already a digital entrepreneur and I had a lot of knowledge in this area.

Rediscovering the virtual world

I was already in the virtual online world since 2005 at that time I was dedicated to several affiliate programs and receiving all my work sweat via PayPal, an account I opened if I'm not mistaken in 2002, being one of the Mozambicans with an active account in this worldwide payment company, I even venture to say that I am one of the first in the country to actually benefit from working online at that time using the services of this multinational firm.

I spent years doing this type of business and I considered myself an expert in this type of business but everything that is good has its days numbered, when we are not the ones to govern our own destiny.

... that's right, I was a very virile young man at the time and even though I was still doing these things I was still dating my girlfriend, today my wife, and like every African in my prime, I also made the mistake (considered at the time, but now I am glad of that part of my life) of getting her pregnant ... then I had to stop my affairs online and 'as they say around here, get a man's job' and stop playing computers like a boy.

She's the one who made me travel abroad, my first born😎

In the life of man, traveling the world

I was always responsible and I never wanted my children to be born and have to be educated by my parents, so I had to stop everything and focus my goals on that child who was on the way. At that time I was quite young and still attending secondary school, I looked for everything in search of a job but nothing. It was difficult, very difficult, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, or a window that is always open, and I got it through contacts abroad that I had done while working online with someone in South Africa who had work available there.


Oh yea, my first work destination 🤠

... WOW that was a surprise, after all I had never traveled abroad and now I had to travel for work.

I told my mother the news and she knew it, I remember at the time she said: 'there comes a time in life when we must let go and follow our path in search of a better life, you have a son on his way to grow up'- these words they gave me strength and off I went to Rand's land.

Dawn in South Africa and the meaning of life itself

Once in the land of the rainbow my work was in the automotive area where I started as a painting assistant reaching the highest points in the profession, I was dedicated and always available to learn, this opened many doors because in my work people came from all over world to paint their vehicles, and in this one comes and goes I know Smith, Peter Jackson Smith, a young Englishman who liked my work and started to correspond with me.

Peter was already an entrepreneur at that time and he was much younger than me, for me that was an example of success because he always wanted to have my own business and own my destiny. This desire to be his own 'boss' took years to have a basis for development because first it was the well-being of the family left behind but over time this same ambition would become possible.

It was 2010, still in South Africa when Peter introduced me to the wonderful world of cryptocurrencies, which at first was a beast of seven heads but as I was always smart and very dedicated I started collecting my first BTC making games on the epay website. info, today deceased where Satoshis won for chasing a mouse and whenever he caught it the amount was credited to my wallet. At that time I already had a Blockchain.com wallet installed, my first wallet.

... that time was just a form of hobby when I was absent from work but it captivated me a lot, it was something wonderful and completely decentralized, a technology that didn't need anyone to work or human intervention to make it happen.

Returning home

There's no better place that home😎

There is no better place like home, I had already spent a good part of my years on behalf of the family, I had a value to support the family for one or more years while pursuing my dream of becoming self-sufficient and starting my own business. .

Being married is complicated and my dream did not please many people and unsurprisingly my companion who did not see my involvement in online business as sustainable and once again I was forced to employ myself, with the help of friends in an auto company here in bands from Matola. I went but it was not done and whenever possible I looked at my online business and managed to get some Satoshis online.

In 2017, a year still employed, there was the fork of Bitcoin Core (BTC) and I had the pleasure of having some Bitcoin Cash (BCH) all this thanks to the games I played on epay.info since it was the main source of production for my Satoshis. It's funny that's I never stopped with my affiliate programs and there was always some value in the PayPal account, which intrigued my colleagues, because, unlike them, I never took lunchbox to work but always had value in the account which I always used to buy a good one lunch.

... had my life on the right track and that did not please the some employers.

The awakening of a new beginning

As I have already mentioned, I was always very dedicated to work, and I was always the target of criticism and envy from many because I never depended on the monthly payment amount to be able to make my own and that, certainly, was something that led me being fired without plausible cause.

At first I was disappointed, not because the work was exceptional but because I thought it had been wronged, but over time I realized that it was the universe conspiring for my good. I was without a job, but I was never without the means to pay the bills, the virtual world has always given me value to be able to make mine and support my family. In the first phase, I did not tell my wife that I had been discharged and daily and promptly woke up and went to an internet café where I kept up with my work, I did this for almost a year.

Discovering Bitcoin Cash

Peer-to-peer electronic cash, sound money for the world, an Universal currency for the world💰

The crypto world has always been a passion for me, and you may ask 'why is this? Well I use PayPal but this company has always given me a headache because I was always a traveling man, and when I wanted to open my account in one of these zones of traveling the account blocked, much because of location, and it always pissed me off. I had the account but it was not global it had restrictions and it was not what I wanted at all.

As I said earlier, I got my first Bitcoin Cash at the fork, of course there weren't that many but they were there in the blockchain.com account kept and waiting to be given destination.

With the resurgence of my entrepreneurial will I started to study the cryptocurrency market more and committing nonsense, how to use Bitcoin Core (BTC) to make transactions, but over time they became completely unsustainable because the transaction fees are huge and honestly started to wipe out my quiet pocket. I ended up paying a lot just in movement fees and kept the reduced amount, which reflected in the monthly income that I had to leave at the residence.

... the value of income should never be disturbed, because then the boredom with the wife comes in😎!

I tried several other currencies, what I didn't know is that the only one that really works was right there in my wallet and waiting for me to notice it. Incredible that I have had Bitcoin Cash for much longer than ether and other currencies but blindly continued to pursue other forms of payment!

Thank God I didn't have to look far, as Bitcoin Cash has always been what I always wanted, a bank that I can really use when and where I want, anytime I want and paying extremely low fees, which is good, because for your adoption it is necessary that it be captivating and best of all fast and with a community that tirelessly works for its exposure and universal use by everyone, I can mouth to say EVERYONE is invited.


I walked a long time overshadowed by the responsibilities of life, I walked half a world away (I worked in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana ..., I tell you another day you are on my travels) to discover that the world was right there in front of me and everything it went through embracing the crypto world, more specifically Bitcoin Cash. Today I am undoubtedly an asset in the southern part of Africa when it comes to explaining what Bitcoin Cash is, how it works and what is its importance in the daily lives of men.

There are those who say that I am unemployed but I say, no, I am what I am, an innovator in the digital area, a man who directs his own destiny, has his own Bank and on May 1, 2021 he will spend the day using Bitcoin Cash to pay a good lunch to all its employees.

It is a pride to be part of this community and to work for its development, as well as Satoshi Nakamoto.


Find me also on noise.cashreddittwitterminds, Telegram: alberdioni

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3 years ago
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So god article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the heads up 😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gracias por escribir tu experiencia de vida, muy valioso tu contenido. es de mucha inspiración.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Muito obrigado meu amigo (thank you my friend)... Muchas Gracias (i hope spell it well)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story sir and let me think more of bch to be my better tomorrow too.👍👍👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have to travel long sad about your 1st departure from different companies.Sure!it is life where learning continues.Your sister was a good fortune for you.Journey is also key to success.Good step you take.Welcome the world of best Crypto BCH❤🤝🏻

$ 0.00
3 years ago