Roger Ver Fights Against Censorship and Believes Bitcoin Cash is the True Bitcoin.

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4 months ago

It's time to reflect and start pondering over the many facts revealed in the book "Hijacking Bitcoin." They are not lies; they are facts laid bare, and today, many are beginning to realize what Bitcoin has become. However, some still deny the reality.

The reality is simple, clear, and stark - Bitcoin has been diverted from its path to benefit a certain segment of society, those who can transact on the network even if it remains prohibitively expensive. It is this segment that denies the need for larger blocks to accommodate more transactions and charge less, deviating from the true intention of Satoshi Nakamoto as well as the white paper, which envisions Bitcoin as peer-to-peer electronic cash.

  1. My own particular campaign to make the Hashtag #FreeRoger trend on X feel free to send some tips in BCH: bitcoincash:qr8ut4qhl9eshnc7njddxl4w4wykljpnru7t2cj43f

From peer-to-peer electronic cash, Bitcoin only has the white paper and nothing more. Today, transactions are so rough and expensive that nobody in a third-world country can use it without feeling the pinch in their pocket. How can it be the technology of the future if it doesn't allow the majority of the world to use it as Cash? Here, once again, Bitcoin Cash proves to be the true Bitcoin, and even though those who hijacked Bitcoin continue to deny it, it is the purest and clearest truth.

Roger Ver is already paying for believing in this and for releasing his book "Hijacking Bitcoin" because he has incurred the wrath of Bitcoiners, those zealots of sects who believe that Bitcoin should have owners, and who somehow managed to sow the seeds of discord and doubt in the American government, leading to a witch hunt against Roger Ver. It's easy to understand why the American government went after Roger as soon as they heard "money in debt," the alarms went off, and they didn't need to think twice, after all, they live off that money.

I am firmly convinced that those who reported Roger, or rather made noise in American institutions to make them think that Roger owes taxes, are people who did not like what they read in his book and somehow wanted to silence Roger. Unfortunately, and I say it again, unfortunately, against facts, there are no arguments.

The book is out there, and people are consuming it, changing their minds about Bitcoin, and even if it's one person at a time, there will come a time when the entire market will have the information contained in it, and then everyone will know the truth - Bitcoin was hijacked, and Bitcoin Cash is the true Bitcoin, the one Satoshi Nakamoto worked on in 2009.

Watch the 1st time Roger Ver was Arrested and Tortured, but he survived and will survive now too;

Roger Ver shifted his focus to Bitcoin Cash because he knows the truth about Bitcoin, and that scares a lot of people. But before tarnishing Roger's image with this arrest, it's important to remember that Roger is a pillar of the community and has invested in projects that are now benchmarks in the market, such as,, Kraken, Zcash, Bitpay, Amun, Shapeshift, and dozens more crypto businesses that serve the community.

Roger Ver is not a lunatic or someone whose credibility we can undermine; he is someone who has long fought against those who hijacked Bitcoin with solid foundations, and they know he speaks the truth, so they will always resort to ugly tactics to silence him. But guess what? Roger is a survivor, and it's not the first time he's been behind bars; he will survive again.

Hang in there, Roger, we stand with you.

Support Roger, buy his book "Hijacking Bitcoin" here.



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4 months ago
