Reading in Mobile

4 10

I used to read in book before well that must be the best way to read you know but now a days there's been a lot of changes. Now we can earn in every thing we do. This is a new normal for this world in this era.

Now books has been moved in mobile. The new library is our mobile phone. Well everything has it good and bad.

It's great that we can earn in reading good article. They may not be as good as those real writes. They can still improve it. I am saying it to myself you know.

Read cash is indeed a big help to everyone who used it. They can earn the same they can practice in this platform. To the developer thank you for making this possible and to all the people behind it. I thank you sincerely. God bless and more power to all of you.

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Reading book is great , because you are free from radiation, but it's hassle to bring it everywhere, reading on mobile is also good, because you can bring it everywhere anywhere, and can find more topics to read . Hassle free.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Reading is my favourite hobby. Reading in mobile is very interesting. Your article is very nice. Carry on your writing.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article. There's just something I miss about the idea of "curling up with a good book" as books are usually larger then phones and you can prop yourself easier in different positions reading them. There is something about the smell of an old book and the mystery of the binding and cover (if it's a good one) that is like art to me that phones will never replace.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Carrying a phone anywhere. To bad then what should we say next. Don't judge the phone by it's cover.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed nowadays books are being out. People are just looking in there smart phone it's really un health because of the rays from our phone that's really harmful in our health. Mobile is Life a new Normal to say. Carrying a phone anywhere. To bad then what should we say next. Don't judge the phone by it's cover.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

True. Even with bible there are apps right now for easy access. We are moving in a digitech generation. But of course we must keep those traditional ways.

$ 0.00
4 years ago is really a blessing to us. I appreciate the owners for the good conception and actualisation of the project I equally thank you for appreciating the website. Let's all work together for the good of Thanks.

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4 years ago

This platform is truly awesome... it has the potential of being something really great someday... and I am sure that day isn't far anymore

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4 years ago