I used to read in book before well that must be the best way to read you know but now a days there's been a lot of changes. Now we can earn in every thing we do. This is a new normal for this world in this era.
Now books has been moved in mobile. The new library is our mobile phone. Well everything has it good and bad.
It's great that we can earn in reading good article. They may not be as good as those real writes. They can still improve it. I am saying it to myself you know.
Read cash is indeed a big help to everyone who used it. They can earn the same they can practice in this platform. To the developer thank you for making this possible and to all the people behind it. I thank you sincerely. God bless and more power to all of you.
Reading book is great , because you are free from radiation, but it's hassle to bring it everywhere, reading on mobile is also good, because you can bring it everywhere anywhere, and can find more topics to read . Hassle free.