Have Never lied before! A lie on it own.

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2 years ago
Topics: Interest, Mindset, Advice, Facts, Lies, ...

What is Lie? A lie is a false statement. That's the dictionary definition, and this simple definition is agreed upon by historical philosophers, theologians, and scholars. There are no exceptions to this rule that can be made, nor would they need to be made. It is a completely straight forward definition.

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A better way to define a lie is with examples because the words above describe a specific meaning that might not be familiar to you immediately. So let us look into what it means to lie using examples.

There are all kinds of lies in this world – tall tales, big lies, little lies, white lies and bald-faced lies. But we tend to think of lying as being a negative thing. It hurts other people, it gets you in trouble, it’s just plain wrong and you should always tell the truth. And sometimes that is true…but not always.

In fact, sometimes the truth can hurt us or others more than a lie would. Sometimes the truth is just plain boring and the lie makes things much more interesting. Sometimes the truth is complicated and messy, while a good lie is simple and easy to understand. And sometimes the truth is just downright ugly while a well-constructed lie can be not only beautiful, but downright inspiring.

We have all lied, a bit of a stretch isn’t it?

Every reason that you have ever given for lying may be a lie in itself. You may have lied just to make a certain situation easier or because someone asked you to lie for them and you had to say yes. But you see, there’s a difference between lies and stretching the truth, just a little bit.

While most of us will tell a lie at some point in our lives – whether it is a white lie or a big fat one – it’s not always clear why we choose to do so. In some cases, we lie because we are trying to paint a positive picture of ourselves and what we have to offer. In others, we lie to avoid consequence or because we are simply worried about being caught out.

Myth: People always lie for selfish reasons

Truth: Some lies are told to make others feel better, or to make us feel better. Lying is sometimes used as a way of protecting someone's feelings or to help maintain a positive image. For example, if your friend orders an expensive bottle of wine at dinner, you might say that the one you ordered from the wine list is only slightly more expensive, even though it is considerably cheaper.

There’s no denying that fibbing is a part of many people’s lives. Whether you’re giving yourself an extra few minutes to get out of the house or telling your significant other that you really do love his sister’s meatballs, everyone has lied at one point or another.

Common lies people tells

Lie #1 “I have to cancel on you today.”

Lie #2 “She’s nothing special.” but you keep chasing after her.

Lie #3 “I wasn’t speeding…it was only by a few miles per hour.”

Lie #4 “I told her I loved her.”

Lie #5 “I am so sick….can we please just stay home?”

Lie #6 “The check is in the mail.”

Lie #7 “I didn’t know how much it would cost to go here.”

Lie #8 “I will call you tomorrow.”

Lie #9 “My name is ______, nice to meet you.”

Lie #10 “I don’t know why it would be taking long, I put a rush on it.”

Lie #11 "Am on my way" while you are still inside

You can lie at any time and to anyone…it doesn’t matter if its a friend, family member or significant other. In fact, the more important they are the harder you try to lie to them and make them believe something that isn’t true. The length of the lie doesn’t matter either, it could be a small white lie that you say to someone or it could be a huge whopper that you say to your boss about a situation you were in that day.

Almost all lies fall into one of three categories: White Lies, Little Fibs and Outright Lies. If a person has a good sense of self-worth and a good conscience, lying is not an issue for them. Some people feel that anytime they are telling a lie they are not telling the truth and don’t want to tell a lie ever again. Other people can feel that lying is not really lying if it doesn’t hurt anyone or catch anyone by surprise.

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2 years ago
Topics: Interest, Mindset, Advice, Facts, Lies, ...


If a lie saves someone's life it's not a lie but when a person lie just to avoid someone is a sinful act

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Might be its a fact that everyone lies. When i was in college i lied a lot because my aunt told me to do it and it about credit. I hate it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To be honest, I hate liers. But upon seeing those type of scenarios where lies exist, it came to a certain point that I realized that I am also doing lies. Thanks for clearing everything up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hated myself this morning when i arrived at my friends place late and i gave an excuse which was a lie. but i later forgived myself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The point is never lie unless extremely necessary to minimise damage. However, when things have subsided the truth should always come out.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we are all liers, in a good way or in a bad way just to save the situation

$ 0.00
2 years ago