The first step of healing

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3 years ago

When you get a cut or wound on your skin, it usually starts bleeding.

if it didn't bleed then you're an alien. lol Just kidding.

There is a first stage in wound healing and it is called Hemostasis. I know the name is too science but don't judge. Because this is a good kind of Blood clot that prevents too much bloodloss .

but we are not going tackle and disect each stages of wound healing here or you'll get bored.

In life, when we experienced pain, it is not always all about cuts, wound or scar

and Hemostasis just doesn't work the same way

"dahil ang unang hakbang sa paghilom ay pagpapakatotoo at pagtanggap na nasasaktan ka

Be honest with yourself and admit that you're in pain . This is the first step of healing.

no joke, let's say for example you would like to heal over a certain heartbreak and trauma but you wanted to move on. People who are willing to save you from pain range in torrents but you decided to close your door and kept your wall high and sturdy.

you are protecting yourself from experiencing the same pain again but what you are doing is not healing. You are tolerating the pain.

learn to admit it. Do it little by little you don't have to hurry you are not in a race here. Healing takes time , it may not happen immediately but eventually it will.

And before that, you have to initiate the first step and make your own antidote using two powerful ingredients.

Trust and belief

trust yourself and believe in God

self affirmation that you will overcome the pain no matter how enormous it is or how lost you are in life and with God's power healing isn't impossible and you'll be home in no time.

Is trust and belief enough?

no, you have to run a self check .

on a scale of 1-10 how bad it is? be your own doctor how. Asses yourself .

What is the cause of Pain? , are you hurting because of someone? over people's action? or because of yourself? how severe it is? can you still cope up? did it leave you too much damage?. What about the duration? how long have you been dealing with pain? what did you do when it worsened? did you try to look for remedy? did you help yourself? or you just let it sit ?.

any forms of treatment? any kinds of medicine?

you are the one who can answer all these and you are the one who can heal yourself.

ask yourself a close ended questions

are you in pain?

yes or no

do you want to heal?

yes or no.

to be able to heal you have to accept that you are in pain.

are you in pain?

yes or no?

do you want to get away from that pain?

yes or no

do you want to move forwad?

yes or no

do you want to reclaim yourself?

yes or no

can you do it ?

yes or no.

ofcourse who wouldn't want healing right?

you have all the answer to yourself and the only question left is "How?"

My friends often ask me about advices , decisions or solution and believe it or not I only had one answer to it. What I'm giving is my insight and they are the only one who can figure out the solution to their own problem.

does that mean I'm a bad friend?

that-- Iam not sure if believing in their own capacity and providing them full support so they can make their own decision makes me a bad friend then I guess I am . Let them think what they want to think but I will never make a decision for them knowing that they are the one who have a full control of their lives.

If they're going south then I'll be the compass but they have to figure out first where the north is.

accepting truth, self check , then what's next?


how long does it take for a wound to heal?

It depends on how deep the cut is.

what if the wound and pain isn't measurable, then there's no way to heal anymore?

there is. Actually there are alot of ways. You've done the first and second step there's no way you can't get pass through the third.

what are these?

  • Empty out all hate and resentment if it's too heavy if it's dragging you down , if it's delaying your Journey. let it go

  • practice eliminating toxicity and unhealthy thoughts.

  • treat your mind to block of negativities

  • apologize to yourself , think of your body and mind as a temple of your soul, clear your thoughts and treat it with full respect and your heart will heal , your mind will heal. you will heal

and this type of healing promotes happy life.

Hi I'm abril I'm new to this platform and all the gif used are original 💕

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3 years ago


At the end of a day, the choice is still within us. The final decision is still hours if we want to be better or not. Take time to grieve but don't let grief rule your life. We all experience pain and we all suffer but we should learn to accept that and move on.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are definetely right the final decision depends on us. and acceptance is really needed to move forward. thankyou for reading this and for the upvote 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, when people come to me for advice regarding the time to heal a wound of the soul, I always tell them that the time is up to you, it depends on you if you want to get out in a short time or be submerged in that pain until Christmas next year. The time to heal is relative to how long you want to suffer. It's up to you, that's what I say to those who ask me for advice. Thank you for your article, very interesting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you are right. The time of healing really depends on how long they want to be trapped in pain we are here to support them all the way and it's really up to them. Thankyou so much for reading and upvoting my article. it means alot 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago