Solat'l Asri

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3 years ago

As-salam alaikum waramotullah. I hope this meets you well. I have just finished observing my Solat'l Asri (Alhamdullilah) I'll like to share the wonders behind observing the ASRI Solat.

Alhamdullilah Robil-alamin, the speciality of the Asri Solat has been pronounced ever since the Five Obligatory Daily Prayers have been sent to us. It's a blessing, especially when we observe our Solat at the right time. Some minutes ago the call to prayer was made and every Muslim around who must have heard the call hastened to mosque.

I can tell, yes. It's a view I can not ignore, the congregation. And we performed Solat. I am not bragging please, it is the joy in my heart that makes me announce it to you. May Allah reward you for reading and myself for praying and writing. Let's get to the point.

Solat'l Asri, as an Islamic day starts at sunset, the Asri prayer is technically the fifth prayer of the day. If counted from midnight, it is the third prayer of the day. So we as practising Muslims are expected to perform everyday and at their due time without hesitation but with Joy and Happiness. Don't forget, that is our No. 1 purpose on planet being.

One of the greatest blessings for every Muslim is to enter into Paradise. Whoever offers the Fajr and Asri prayers enters the Jannah. Asri prayer saves from the Hell and opens the door of Jannah. Those who offer Asr prayer will have success in life as well as in the Hereafter. -arshadtalks

Offering the Asr prayer is an opportunity for the Muslims to repent and return to the way of Allah Almighty. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran. "...and turn to Him repentant. He will cause you to enjoy a fair estate until a time appointed. He giveth His bounty unto every bountiful one. But if ye turn away, lo! (then) I fear for you the retribution of an awful Day." Quran, 11:3

Asr prayer is witnesses by Angels. - quranreading

And finally to round up with as to our daily search for the good things on earth 'Asr prayer makes us become more discipline to ourselves and our life become more organized.

The above mentioned are some of the lovely benefits of Asr prayer. Every Muslim must endeavour to offer five daily prayers regularly and at their specified time.

May Allah make it easy for us. Amin

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3 years ago
