Who is creating our values?

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Avatar for ZiraZir
4 years ago

You hear/read everywhere esspecially from influencers on social media but also from psychologists that everyhuman beeing matters. Popular phrase: „You are enough!" spreads among people scrolling thru Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and others.... It is beutiful to stand by and read it for yourself from totally unknown person. My question is: Why so many people suffer from this? Whay they have to read or listen to that by, to them, completely stranger person? It would had definitely better impact on them if they feel it from their surroundings on daily basis. Why people have to go for psychologists/psychiatrists appointments?

My main question is: Why we are unable to show others How they matter to us. I can tell you, that even if I do not feel good, or there is presure or stress grabbing me down, I feel immediately better after I manifest my support or kind words to someone. Many people find this to be my weakness, immaturity and that is not important. I do not know if this is only my subjective view or other people experience that as well. There is no place for kindnes in this world. You gonna out there and just after you pull out heel from your home you are confronted with unpolite, disrespectful behaviour. If you say „Thank you" they feel superior over you, that you are soft and they can use you and than tell you what a trash you are.

Sorry for these sharp words, but this is something that has came my way, or maybe came in my head for past months. I feel like I am loosing my purpose here in this society. Not in this world, it would be in a case I thought about suicide, but I can ensure you I am not. I love this world, love nature, love also people, life at itself, but I roundly deny this society, better told, the rules some small group of people settet for us, a 7 bilion population here, and is constantly promoting it to be the only way to be happy. They are promoting it on the most popular platforms (social media) and by the most manipulative way (by likes, interaction on these medias). Why my value should be founded on social media? Why people are more vulnerable to show you their feelings there than in person? Why so many people struggles with a fact that ones who got influence on that media or even in society has rights to judge us, to cancell us in worse case? So many questions yeah, I realise that I should got this together as an adult, but I struggles with that so much. I consider the social media nothing bud manipulative, dangerous for mental health and not healthy for our society. Like real society, where people need to be in touch in person. That magical moment in time to be present and talk about issues, that is something that matters to me. How can people be addicted to any popular, influential personality. What are the positives of that. Of course they can motivate people and influence them in a positive way, but, big BUT, there is completely diffrent reality on those social medias, they can lie to you so easily. They can send you to direction wich has no perpective for your individuality, and in the end they loose so much time in following their live to forget about yourself. I understand if someone appreciates the skills, talents of that person I do also follow some people, mostly artists that inspire me. But there is no universal way to be happy. no universal recipe to become selfconfident, to love yourself, to earn enough money. In my honest opinion everybody should find answers inside of his soul, mind, experience and by himself. To the point what I cannot understand in our culture is is why there are like huge masses of people cheering up to already wealthy, perfect personas. They are unable to absorb so many cheering, it is like task for heroe to stay in touch with their whole community. Am I only one who sees quite a sarcastic ridicule in that? Like wealthy people talking about how we, simple people who often struggle even with rent bills, should help other financally, how we should be ok with the way we are born, with our appearance by people who went under multiple chirurgic or aesthetic enhancements...?

Another question I want to bring here is... why popular people are able to sell anything to us, like from grocery to designer clothes? Why people are vulnerable to put themselves even their families into the depts because of this kind of advertisiment? That leads me to the very basics of my negative attitude for this system, for capitalism, which values are superficial for me. Superficial and even sick. It could not gonna this way. In advertisment there are the biggest money in my opinion. But for what? To juice out the poor people to get even more money? How sick is this? My brain cannot get it. Advertisment, trade, business, mediation of anything, these are the most overvalued industries in my opinion. And they even are not producing anything, like I understand they bring big money to the producers, but this is included in the price that will pay who? Also we, simple people. :D So ironic I am not gonna analyze this anymore cause I am getting pretty mad about it.

This whole consideration stands on my feelings, and struggles to find out the best possible way to live a financally safe life filled by balance between time I work and time I can spend with my beloved family. It also stands on underrating myself which depended in my IG likes, follows, comments...I am writing depended cause I am not gonna loose myself again in there. I restricted time and attention to that social medias and I feel definitely better and more productive. Yeah maybe you have told yourself in your mind that it is irrelevant and I should get a normal job and should be solving real problems, but this is it. This is something that I am denying but am helpless to solve.

My artwork for Inktober 2017, day 20. Deep prompt. I think it fits the idea of this post very well.

Would love to see your opinions on this topic in comments below.

Have a great, great day.


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Avatar for ZiraZir
4 years ago



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4 years ago

At first I want to think you for your valuable article. I have been totally speechless to see your thoughts and ideas. Although I don't have the answers of your questions. I just want to say that if you have to live in this society you have to take it you have to compromise. If we want to find the answer of who is creating our values? Then we have to know that where is the value depends on? Values are totally depends on others. If no one value you or if no one value of your works then you are easily valueless. The individual ,the family, the society ,the country ,the world make our values, create our values.

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4 years ago

Regarding the value of ourselves, of course, back to ourselves. The problem of assessment will certainly be different later because each individual is different. Certainty that will certainly be valuable is not because of what is seen, but also built from perceptions.

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4 years ago

Amazingly and very well said, We are who we are and what we put value on with time begins to manifest in us. If everyone will limit the use of social media to the lowest minimum, I believe 80% of our problems will be solve, social media has become the living ground for most people, they express their feelings there, when they are happy, sad, in love, gets a new job and lots more, we hardly do a face to face conversation these days because everything can be discussed over the internet. And the truth be told, we no longer live our lives the way we are supposed to because we now copy the lifestyle of our favourite celebrity.

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4 years ago

Everyone wants to live their life in their own way, we don't care what someone is doing or who is following, but we have a duty to stop whatever is spoiling the society. We can't fix everyone, but we can try.

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4 years ago

I can nothing but agree, but I think there is something more powerful above us, that is skilled on how to efectively manipulate with our minds, and due to this it is hard for individuals to make a change, sadly😕

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4 years ago

Wow you honestly express so many thoughts and so many questions that i seriously need to take a notes to react to this but i will try to. The first thought that came on my mind when you tell that saying an kind words to other will out you in better state of mind and makes you happier jist warms my soul honestly ❤️🙂 I wish I could be more like you in this case. In my opinion when i feel a little down or just sad I feel like the only person that can make me happier is myself so I need to take time for myself to overthink and analyse the shit out of everything that had happened for the last decade to be fully okay. In this way I am feeling like I am my own therapist but I mut say that people like you who finds it this way is just so incredible. Next if we are talking about social media's and all that negative impact they can have on us is in my opinion or in my case very real or there is more truth to that - sadly. Maybe that's why I am trying to not take any advices from some influences out there because deeply I know that I am the one at the end of the day that needs to analyse all of my struggles in myself without a therapist. But i think we all need therapist in this era. I mean honestly social media's can lead us more to depression like before. If we judt take the fact that everyone would like to be an influencer out there and everyone would like to post and express himself on the Internet because its cool or easy of trend or i don't know... Anyway on the bright side I think I can fully feel your struggle and I feel like i can relate to that. I think you are wonderful person with amazing wonderful original thoughts and I feel your every word ❤️

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4 years ago

Wow your comment brings me warm feelings, thank you for that, I completely understand your way of dealing with sadness, I deel it same, but in case somebody hurts or insults me directly. And yeah, you could think twice over anything you see/hear on the internet or social media cause there are plenty of them-called specialists on every problem and especially on your life 😂 How can anyone calls ou that he knows universal truth, help, answers for anyone when we are just all individuals. Great comment that we can discuss for hours. Thank unTeri from bottom pf my heart💜

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4 years ago

And also to answer your main questions we should be the one to set our value but and there is always but vut and that but i would tell you in the private message 😉

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4 years ago

Its a worse dilama of our society and incresing day by day.when we feel alone and sad we show it in social media take intention that are totelly fake from unknown person.The problem is that no one have time for each other who are known to them.

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4 years ago

I am sorry if my previous comment wasn't clear of long enough i know that i didn't react to everything what you say but i hope that you know what I mean 🙏 I really enjoyed to "" hear"" you writing about this topic

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4 years ago

yes it us dependent on us our behaviour our attitude

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4 years ago

Yeah, I agree, I saw very pointing quote yesterday, “How it would be if we all stopped to follow, like, react to celebrities on the internet” or something in that meaning and yeah, we are choosing what means value to us.

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4 years ago

Nice article dear. Please subscribe me

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4 years ago

Tell me about inktober please :") And i don't know about you but in my life, i can people love role models. The person itself, not the ideas they share. Much more so in this aesthetic era where it's all about superficiality. Everything is actually way too shallow now and the only place you'll really find any real vulnerability is with yourself and/or a most trusted friend. There's also my thoughts on anonymity there. Anonymity brings social media courage seeing as some of those influencers don't even use their real persona in anything

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4 years ago

Next post will definitelly be about Inktober, I swear, I need to write about something positive to keep the balance 😂 And I am happy that I have at least that one good friend @terilastovicka, btw she also joined RC if interested check her writings out💜 Yes the personas of influencers hidding behind their social media acting should be pretty interesting to know. I also appreciate people who I know personaly the most... I think that is the way it should be.

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4 years ago

Yes please! I want to join in inktober so I'll need to know about it to know how to prepare for it! I'll go check her out in a bit, I'm still digging through my mountain of notifs ;;-;; I'm not sure about the hiding fact though, just that they alter some things about them that will be enough to bring a sense of anonymity around them

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4 years ago

All coming soon I am excited to bring Inktober to light for you. 💜

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4 years ago

Omg yayyy thank youuu ❤❤❤ and i saw your friend's profile! Gosh she's an artist too ❤❤❤

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

I am really so agree with you on this. This is so true.This is my main reason why I do not use social medias as a way of past time,or even gathering news just to get updated to what is trend nowadays..I do not care what is going on with the trendings around me,I often got out of place with my family's conversation about what is happening in facebook or whats the new trend,and I would just say then,what?did you got something beneficial with that?and they would just laugh at me thinking I am somewhat weird. But I care less,for me social media is more on promoting toxics than giving a beneficial and valuable contents.

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4 years ago

Yeas, I agree with you absolutely, it sometimes seems to me like social media was created to distract people from real problems, real solutions and in the end values. I also met with ridiculing when I was not having clue what unimportant sh*t my friends are discussing. But why? What it should bring tommy life? Does it bring me money to pay out my big debts or what? hmmm they are definitely toxic you said it very well.

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4 years ago